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"Fathers and Mothers" of...Stuff

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  • "Fathers and Mothers" of...Stuff

    I've been doing some research on Blues music.
    I wanted to find out who was credited with different styles of Blues.
    So far, I've come up with the following, and its substantiated by numerous sources.
    A good Blues site, btw.

    Father of The Blues - William Christopher (W.C.) Handy
    Father of Texas Blues - Blind Lemon Jefferson
    Father of British Blues - John Mayall
    Father of Delta Blues - Son House
    Father of Chicago Blues - Muddy Waters

    Anyway, in researching, I found this list of "Fathers and Mothers" of various things.

    Philip Abelson - The father of the nuclear submarine
    Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard - The father of Danish painting
    Abu is an Arabic word meaning "father" that is used to form person names from either the name of a son or a concept to form a nickname, such as Abu Amar (Yasser Arafat)
    Jane Addams - The mother of Social Work (called "The mother of the world")
    George Agricola - The father of Mineralogy
    Mikael Agricola - The father of Finnish written language
    Eloy Alfaro - The father of Ecuadorian liberalism
    Steve Allen - The father of the television talk show
    Eric Allman - The father of modern Internet e-mail
    Susan B. Anthony - "The Mother of Us All" (title of Virgil Thomson/Gertrude Stein opera)
    Sabino Arana - The father of modern Basque nationalism
    Peter Artedi - The father of ichthyology
    Philip Astley - The father of the modern circus
    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - The father of modern Turkey
    Stephen F. Austin - The father of Texas
    Cyrus Avery - The father of Route 66
    Ismail Al Azhary - The father of Modern Sudan

    Charles Babbage - The father of the computer / computing
    Stephen Moulton Babcock - The father of scientific dairying
    Johann Sebastian Bach - The father of music
    Leo Baekeland - The father of plastic
    Mikhail Bakunin - The father of anarchism
    George Bancroft - The father of American History
    José Celso Barbosa - The father of Puerto Rico's statehood movement
    Aaron T. Beck - The father of Cognitive therapy
    Alexander Graham Bell - The father of the telephone
    Edward Bernays - The father of public relations - aka the father of spin
    Tim Berners-Lee - The father of the world wide web
    Rómulo Betancourt - The father of Venezuelan democracy
    Lorenz Böehler - The father of bone surgery.
    Ben Botkin - The father of public folklore
    William Bradford - The father of American History
    Tycho Brahe - The father of modern astronomy
    Richard Bright - The father of nephrology
    Milton Brown - The father of Western swing
    James Busby - The father of the Australian wine industry
    Nolan Bushnell - The father of computer entertainment / electronic gaming

    Santiago Ramón y Cajal - The father of Neuroscience
    John Calvin - The father of Protestantism
    Raymond Carhart - The father of audiology
    John Cassavetes - The father of American independent film-making
    Román Baldorioty de Castro - The father of Puerto Rico's Autonomy movement
    Vinton G. Cerf - The father of the Internet
    Boris Chicherin - The father of Russian liberalism
    Jesus Colon - The father of the Nuyorican Movement
    Alan Cooper - The father of Visual Basic
    Nicolaus Copernicus - The father of modern astronomy
    W. L. Creech - The father of the Thunderbirds
    Hubert Critchlow - The father of the Guyanese labor movement
    Frank W. Cyr - father of the yellow school bus

    J.B. Danquah - The father of the political opposition of Ghana
    John Nelson Darby - The father of dispensationalism
    Nicéphore Niépce & Louis Daguerre - The fathers of the photograph
    John Dalton - The father of chemistry
    Charles Darwin - The father of evolutionary biology
    William Morris Davis - The father of American geography
    Guy de Chauliac - The father of modern surgery and hospitals
    Lee De Forest - The father of radio
    Democritus - The father of atomic theory
    René Descartes - The father of modern philosophy
    Friedrich Diercks - The father of immigrants
    Diophantus - The father of Algebra
    Walt Disney - The father of the animation industry
    Vasily Dokuchaev - The father of soil science
    Tommy Douglas - A, or the, father of medicare in Canada
    Alberto Santos-Dumont - The father of aviation
    Allen B. Dumont - The father of modern TV
    Isadora Duncan - The mother of modern dance
    John Boyd Dunlop - The father of the modern tire

    Albert Einstein - The father of Relativity, the godfather of Quantum Mechanics, the father of modern physics
    Ralph Waldo Emerson - The father of Transcendentalism
    Quintus Ennius - The father of Latin poetry
    Brian Eno - The father of ambient music
    William Phelps Eno - The father of traffic safety
    Robert Ettinger - The father of cryonics
    Leonhard Euler - The father of fluid mechanics

    Luis A. Ferré - The father of the Puerto Rican autonomy movement
    Reginald Fessenden - The father of radio broadcasting
    Alexander Fleming - The father of modern antibiotics
    Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens - The father of brain physiology
    Gottlob Frege - The father of modern mathematical logic and analytic philosophy
    Sigmund Freud - The father of psychoanalysis
    Henry M. Morris - The father of the "creation science" movement

    Galileo Galilei - The father of modern astronomy and of the scientific method of modern science
    Gandhi - The father of the nation of India and of non-violence
    Lillian Moller Gilbreth - The mother of modern management
    Henry Gilman - The father of organometallic chemistry
    Giotto - The father of Renaissance art
    Robert Goddard - The father of modern rocketry
    Maxim Gorky - The father of Soviet literature
    James Gosling - The father of the Java programming language
    Ben Graham - The father of modern financial analysis
    Thomas Graham - The father of colloid chemistry
    David Wark Griffith - The father of modern film and film grammar

    Fritz Haber - The father of chemical warfare
    Emmett Matthew Hall - A father of medicare in Canada
    WC Handy - The father of the blues
    Ben Harney - The father of ragtime
    Joseph Haydn - The father of the symphony
    Abram Stevens Hewitt - the father of the New York City Subway
    Jim Henson - The father of the Muppets
    Herodotus - The father of history
    Herophilus - The father of anatomy
    William Herschel - The father of modern astronomy
    Theodor Herzl - The father of modern secular Zionism
    Hippocrates - The father of medicine
    Reimar Horten - The father of aircraft stealth technology, aka the father of the flying wing
    Robert E. Horton - The father of modern hydrology
    James Hutton - The father of modern geology

    Art Ingels - The father of karting

    Abraham Jacobi - The father of U.S. pediatrics
    Fredrick Jahn - The father of gymnastics
    Bill James - The father of modern baseball statistical study and sabermetrics
    Thomas Jefferson - The father of archaeology, the father of the University of Virginia
    Edward H. Johnson - The father of Electric Christmas tree lights
    Phillip E. Johnson - The father of intelligent design creationism
    Mary Harris Jones or Mother Jones - The "Grandmother of All Agitators".
    Muhammad Ali Jinnah - Father of the Nation of Pakistan
    Fatima Jinnah - Mother of the Nation of Pakistan
    Theodore Judah - The father of the U.S. first Transcontinental Railroad

    Karađorđe - The father of modern Serbia
    Wassily Kandinsky - The father of abstract art
    Nikolai Karamzin - The father of Russian conservatism
    Johannes Kepler - The father of modern astronomy
    Søren Kierkegaard - The father of existentialism
    William Kirby - The father of entomology
    Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook - The father of religious Zionism
    Lajos Kossuth - The father of Hungarian democracy
    Boris Kurakin - The father of Russian diplomacy

    Jack LaLanne - The father of fitness
    Antoine Lavoisier - The father of modern chemistry
    John Lennard-Jones - The father of modern computational chemistry
    Carolus Linnaeus - The father of taxonomy
    Lucien Lison - The father of histochemistry
    Joseph Lister - The father of modern antisepsis
    Raymond Loewy - The father of industrial design
    Jane Herbert Wilkinson Long - The mother of Texas
    Professor Longhair - The father of New Orleans rhythm and blues and funk
    Martin Luther - The father of Protestantism and of Lutheranism

    Bernarr Macfadden - The father of physical culture
    Niccolò Machiavelli - The father of modern political theory and of pragmatism
    James Madison - The father of the United States Constitution
    Winnie Madikizela-Mandela - The mother of South Africa
    Marcello Malpighi - The father of microscopic anatomy
    Thomas Malthus - The father of social science
    Herbert Marcuse - The father of the New Left
    Paul Martin Sr. - A father of medicare in Canada
    Hideto Matsumoto - The father of J-Rock
    Karl Marx - The father of modern Communism
    George Mason - The father of the United States Bill of Rights
    John McLoughlin - The father of Oregon
    George E. McNeill - The father of the eight-hour work day (in the U.S.)
    Gregor Mendel - The father of genetics
    Antonio Meucci - The official father of the telephone
    Spike Milligan - The father of modern British comedy and of Monty Python
    Billy Mitchell - The father of United States Air Force
    Bill Monroe - The father of bluegrass music
    Claudio Monteverdi - The father of opera
    Robert Moon - The father of the ZIP code
    E. C. Morley - The father of The Football Association
    Muddy Waters - The father of Chicago blues
    Johannes Peter Muller - The father of modern physiology

    Antonin Nechodoma - the father of Puerto Rican architecture
    Gaylord Nelson - the father of Earth Day [1]
    John von Neumann - The father of game theory
    Isaac Newton - The father of modern astronomy, of modern science and of modern mathematics
    Abu Nidal - The father of modern terrorism
    Florence Nightingale - The mother of modern nursing
    Saparmurat Niyazov, a.k.a. Turkmenbashi - The father of the Turkmen people
    Sondre Norheim - The father of skiing
    Nikolai Novikov - The father of Russian journalism

    Hermann Oberth - The father of space flight and of modern rocketry
    J. Robert Oppenheimer - The father of the atomic bomb

    Fredrik Pacius - The father of Finnish music
    Dorothy G. Page - The mother of the Iditarod
    Phoebe Palmer - The mother of the holiness movement
    Henry Parkes - The father of Australian Federation
    Louis Pasteur - The father of bacteriology, of stereochemistry and of microbiology
    Charles Peirce - The father of pragmatism
    Don Pendleton - The father of the action adventure novel
    Eduard Slavoljub Penkala - The father of the solid-ink fountain pen
    Phan Boi Chau - The father of modern Vietnamese revolutionary philosophy
    Phan Chu Trinh - The father of modern Vietnamese nationalism
    Camille Pissarro - The father of Impressionism
    Henri Poincaré - The father of algebraic topology
    Christopher Polhem - The father of Swedish engineering
    Casimir Pulaski - The father of the United States Army Cavalry
    Pythagoras - The father of numbers

    Manuel L. Quezon - The father of the Filipino language

    Alexander Radishchev - The father of Russian radicalism
    Vasily Radlov - The father of Turcology
    Ma Rainey - The mother of the blues
    Damrong Rajanubhab - The father of the history of Thailand
    S. R. Ranganathan - The father of library science in India
    Jef Raskin - The father of the Apple Macintosh
    Joe Redington, Sr. - the father of the Iditarod
    Regiomontanus - The father of modern astronomy
    Mikołaj Rej - The father of Polish literature
    Hyman G. Rickover The father of the United States Nuclear Navy
    Louis Riel - The father of Manitoba
    Jimmie Rodgers - The father of country music
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The father of Romantic sensibility, of the French Revolution

    Peter Safar - The father of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    Paul Sandby - The father of English watercolor painting
    Ferdinand de Saussure - The father of modern linguistics
    Junípero Serra - The father of California
    Ambrose Sevier - The father of Arkansas Statehood
    King Mohammed Zahir Shah - The father of the nation of Afghanistan
    Claude E. Shannon - The father of information theory
    Mary Shelley - The mother of science fiction
    Ras Shorty I - The father of soca music
    Igor Sikorsky - The father of the helicopter
    John Smeaton - The father of Civil Engeneering
    Adam Smith - The father of modern economics
    Shinji Sogo - The father of the Japanese Bullet Train (the Shinkansen)
    Frank J. Sprague - The father of electric traction
    Niels Steensen - The father of modern paleontology
    John C. Stennis - The father of the modern United States Navy
    Georg Stiernhielm - The father of Swedish poetry
    Sun Yat-sen - The father of the Revolution and the nation of the Republic of China
    Alejandro Tapia y Rivera - The father of Puerto Rican literature

    Manuel Gregorio Tavarez - The father of the Puerto Rican Danzas
    Edward Teller - The father of the hydrogen bomb
    Tertullian - The father of Latin Theology
    Karl von Terzaghi - The father of soil mechanics
    Nikola Tesla - The father of modern electronics and of the radio
    Osamu Tezuka - The father of manga and anime
    LaMarcus Adna Thompson - The father of the rollercoaster
    J. R. R. Tolkien - The father of the modern high fantasy genre
    Leon Trotsky - The father of the Red Army (army of the USSR)
    Andre Thi Truong - The father of the personal computer
    Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - The father of human spaceflight and of astronautics
    Charles Tupper - The father of Canadian Confederation
    Alan Turing - The father of computer science
    Rustom Jal Vakil - The father of Indian cardiology

    Edgard Varèse - The father of electronic music
    Vladimir Vernadsky - The father of geochemistry
    Andreas Vesalius - The father of anatomy
    Carl Vinson - The father of the two-ocean navy of the United States Navy
    Fyodor Volkov - The father of Russian theatre
    Faust Vrančić - The father of the parachute

    John Wanamaker - The father of the U.S. department store
    George Washington - The father of the United States of America
    Alice Waters - The mother of California cuisine and of American cooking
    John B. Watson - The father of behaviorism
    Isaac Watts - The father of English Hymnody
    Arthur Gordon Webster - The father of the American Physical Society
    Alfred Wegener - The father of plate tectonics / continental drift
    Norbert Wiener - The father of cybernetics
    Woodrow Wilson - The father of the League of Nations and of Internationalism
    Johann Winckelmann - The father of modern archaeology
    Sergius Witte - The grandfather of Russian industry
    Wright brothers - The fathers of aviation
    Wilhelm Wundt - The father of modern psychology


    Gazi Yaşargil - The father of micro-neurosurgery
    Rouzbeh Yassini - The father of the cable modem
    Eliezer Ben-Yehuda - The father of the modern Hebrew

    Yevgeny Zamyatin - The father of dystopian literature
    Zeno of Citium - The Father of Stoicism
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead

  • #2
    Bohr should be in there
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • #3
      They forgot:

      God, the Father

      RobertT, father of John

      Being able to name a "father" of your country's "industry" is pretty lame.


      • #4
        How do you figure?
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


        • #5
          they forgot:

          Sava, father of PWNAGE!!!

          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6
            [edited for taste]


            • #7
              Hmmm, no listing for the Mamas and the Papas.

              All the leaves are gone
              And the sky is grey.
              I've been for a walk
              On a winter's day.

              I'd be safe and warm
              If I was in L.A.
              California dreamin'
              On a such winter's day.

