Recently, The Staff of Colonial Fleets found an episode that involved Prisoner of war rape and torture so offensive that they decided that they would censure any further discussion of the new Battlestar Galactica. Even though it is the right of the owners to do as they please with their website, I still find the reasoning behind this to be extremely narrow minded. The best sci-fi stories in my opinion are ones that are ones that are based in plausibility. I find the show to be the most solid sci-fi show to come along.
Solid defined as a set of rules and concepts that are
a. Not broken at the whim of the writer/directors.
b. Based in current events, past events or possible events.
This as close to Hard Sci-Fi as it gets on TV. I'm sure the lack of support of Colonialfleets is not going to dent the ratings of the show but as a Sci-Fi fan it's disappointing that the website would do something like that. I supported many Sci-Fi shows that sucked so that I could finally see some good Sci-Fi. It's apparent the owners of the site are not as familiar with Sci-Fi as they are with one particular show that came on one season and then was gone. You can't go back to 78.