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Apolyton Fantasy Baseball Results

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  • Apolyton Fantasy Baseball Results

    We had 2 leagues this year - Poly 1 run by Imran and Poly 2 run by me. Here are the results for Poly 1

    Regular season standings

    1* Georgia Granies 204-145-25 .579
    2* Your World Champions 197-154-23 .557 8
    3* Columbus Interns 190-158-26 .543 13.5
    4* Berzerker 193-162-19 .541 14
    5* Revenge of the Nerds 193-163-18 .540 14.5
    6* Vancouver Isle Bears 189-165-20 .532 17.5
    7 Boston Rebels 188-169-17 .525 20
    8 Ramsey's whiffers 169-188-17 .475 39
    9 Apocalpyses 157-193-24 .452 47.5
    10 City Hobgoblins 155-200-19 .440 52
    11 the Mars Spiders 145-213-16 .409 63.5
    12 JohnnyFromBurgerKing 140-210-24 .406 64.5

    The top 6 teams went into the winner's bracket and the lower 6 went into the loser's bracket for the play offs with the top 2 teams in each bracket getting a bye for the first week of the play offs.

    Revenge of the Nerds (Jdd) defeated the Berzerkers and Colombus Interns beat the Vancouver Island Bears in the top bracket and the City Hobgoblins and Apocalypses beat Mars Spider and JonnyfromBurger King to advance in the lower bracket.

    Knocked out of the big show, Berzerkers and Mars Spider went on to win the consolation games for 5th and 11th. Ramsey's Whiffers (bye) beat the Apocalypses and Boston Rebels to take 7th place and the City Hobgoblins took 9th by defeating the Apocalypses.

    The Columbus Interns advanced over Your World Champions to face Revenge of the Nerds who beat the Georgia Granies (Congrats to the Granies - Imran - on winning the pennant race). But it was Revenge of the Nerds who won the big show (congrats Jdd, quite a performance you turned in for both leagues). The Georgia Granies proceeded to beat Your World Champions for 3rd place.

    1st place - Revenge of the Nerds
    2nd place - Colombus Interns
    3rd place - Georgia Granies


    Poly II

    This league was a bit different in that we had 8 teams instead of 12 and only the top 6 teams advanced to the play offs.

    The regular season results:

    1* Berzerkers 288-220-64 .559 - 14-9-3 5 93
    2* Orange Juice 280-223-69 .550 5.5 18-6-2 4 20
    3* Nanaimo Stoners 274-236-62 .533 15 5-20-1 7 35
    4* Georgia Gumbo 271-235-66 .531 16 20-5-1 3 22
    5* Random Walks 256-240-76 .514 26 9-14-3 2 24
    6* Yuenglings 240-267-65 .476 47.5 6-18-2 1 14
    7 Billy's Bashers 224-279-69 .452 61.5 - 8 11
    8 Ramsey's Juice 182-315-75 .384 100.5

    Berzerkers and Orange Juice (Jdd) had byes the first week while Random Walks advanced over Georgia Gumbo and Yuenglings beat out the Nanaimo Stoners. But to no avail, Berzerkers and Orange Juice were destined for the big show so Random Walks beat Yuenglings for 3rd place and Georgia Gumbo beat Nanaimo Stoners for 5th place.

    All 3 final matches lasting 2 weeks were extremely competitive coming down to the final Sunday games with no more than 2 points separating each battle, but the pennant race winners - Berzerkers - squeezed by Orange Juice to win the championship.

    1st place - Berzerkers
    2nd place - Orange Juice
    3rd place - Randon Walks

    Cya next February everyone...and hopefully we'll see a few new faces joining us...

    Oh yeah, on a sidenote the two people running the leagues actually won the regular season pennant races, so we have our reward Imran

  • #2
    Congrats, and great season all round. Special thanks to the pennant winning league commishes. Didn't it get exciting at the end? Nice moves, Berz, to win the championship. I almost wasn't going to play the second league at all when it was first proposed. Interesting fact: Value draft pick of mine Melvin Mora put up great numbers, but played precious little all year, sitting behind numero Uno A-Rod at 3b, and two 1b studs. My strategy worked pretty well this year: dont fret too much about the draft, get a bunch of pitchers, and GET THE EARLY SEASON PICKUPS--thank you B. Roberts! I was surprisingly sedentary in league 2, but hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

    In league 2, looking at the draft, I dont see more than a couple productive players (Jones and Griffey) out of -everyone's- final 5 or 6 picks. Just goes to show its all luck down there About league 1, I might have said it before, but I came in second without a good season by any of my first 5 draft picks. Finally, Berz, you are the master of drop 'n grab. I don't know if I would have the balls to use a strategy like that. What if the slumping guy you drop pulls a last year Santana, struggling early, then wiping the board???


    • #3
      Finally, Berz, you are the master of drop 'n grab. I don't know if I would have the balls to use a strategy like that. What if the slumping guy you drop pulls a last year Santana, struggling early, then wiping the board???
      Oh man, I made some bone headed moves for sure. I traded away Freddy Garcia for Richie Sexson who was then traded or dropped for Aubrey Huff. I like Huff's position versatility but his bat never really woke up until mid september which is about when I gave up on him

      I figured my quality rotation would be enough and Garcia was excellent trade bait and I'm the one who got hooked. BUT! I did pick up Andruw Jones early on when someone dropped him for doing poorly and he just went hog wild with the homers, clearly my best post draft pick up.

      I figured Santana would get off to a slow start since that was the pattern last 2 years, but all you need is a play off birth when he gets into a groove and watch out - he's great after the break. Randy Johnson was a disappointment but he did come thru in the play offs. Roger Clemens was my workhorse all the way to the play offs when he was hurting. He still finished with an ERA under 2 I think, simply amazing with the hitter's park he pitched in.

      Anyway, I think we were all practically tied going into the weekend. An extremely competitive play offs, congrats everyone. I still regret screwing up the play off schedule, I'm sure I saw the option for 2 brackets with 4 teams each in the 8 team league settings and that was what I wanted.


      • #4
        You picked up AJ?



        • #5
          Yup, back in late April and he was on the wire for almost a week. He must have been really sucking eggs in April. Ramsey's Juice dropped him.


          • #6
            Woohoo! 9th and 4th (according to the playoffs).

            Ok - my teams kind of sucked this year. Probably didn't help that work got really busy mid-summer.

            Anyway... good season all - looking forward to next year.
            "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
            "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
            "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


            • #7
              Next year we might just go with 2 weekly teams. As much as I like daily changes I just cant handle more than maybe 2 leagues. I was at the point where I didn't care much when we got to the play offs, I was just looking forward to October


              • #8
                Originally posted by Berzerker
                Yup, back in late April and he was on the wire for almost a week. He must have been really sucking eggs in April. Ramsey's Juice dropped him.
                There was big time Suckage going on at that point. I think he was in the middle of an 0-30 streak when I dropped him.

                In the other league, I dropped Derek Lee for some reason I can't remember now....also a big oops on my part.

