That's the question. And the answer is, "no." But it's interesting that he was considered. From today's NY Post, via Salon:
The assessment of Columbus and Spielberg is dead on, but to the point: What would a Gilliam Harry Potter have been like? One thing's for sure: Nearly-Headless Nick would have had more to do, and Peeves wouldn't have been written out. He probably would have gotten Dumbledore right, too.
"The Brothers Grimm" director Terry Gilliam on what he thinks of his contemporaries: "I was the perfect guy to do 'Harry Potter.' I remember leaving the meeting, getting in my car, and driving for about two hours along Mulholland Drive just so angry. I mean, Chris Columbus' versions are terrible. Just dull. Pedestrian ... I saw 'War of the Worlds' and I thought, Steven Spielberg is a man who makes brilliant scenes but can't make a movie anymore." (Page Six)