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Best UK Broadband deal?

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  • #16
    Was there an installation fee?

    Also, do any of these companies do good cable television deals too? I'm not talking anything extravagant like sports and movie (not to mention porn ) channels, but a package that would include just a few extra general entertainment channels e.g. E4, MTV.
    STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


    • #17
      cavemen :shakeshead: Please let the modern Finland know when you are back up to standards. Smoke signs are kind of lame and old.
      In da butt.
      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


      • #18
        Originally posted by our_man
        Was there an installation fee?
        No - as long as you can figure it out yourself...

        Also, do any of these companies do good cable television deals too? I'm not talking anything extravagant like sports and movie (not to mention porn ) channels, but a package that would include just a few extra general entertainment channels e.g. E4, MTV.
        Wanadoo doesn't do TV deals - but then if all you want is a few extra channels (30+) get a
        Freeview box...

        I bought mine from Richer Sounds for about £40 all in for subscription free TV.

        Otherwise IIRC Telewest do really good deals - assuming you are in their coverage...
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #19
          Mine's Tiscali. £17.99 (gross) per month, with everything that Wanadoo offers. I've got a 4GB download limit per month, but this doesn't bother me in the slightest because I'll never use anything close to that. You have to decide what you'll be using it for and what you absolutely need, what you don't care about, etc before choosing.


          • #20
   - £15/per month, 2mbit line, no download cap. Good service as well, much better than the likes of BT.
   - After Our Time - Six to Start


            • #21
              No - as long as you can figure it out yourself...
              Unlikely, but who knows? What's required?

              Wanadoo doesn't do TV deals - but then if all you want is a few extra channels (30+) get a Freeview box...
              Ladies & Gentlemen, I think we have a winner (for the channels at least!)... Better than anything I had hoped to see. No monthly bill hassle & enough decent channels to make up for the dross packaged with it. Cheers.

     - £15/per month, 2mbit line, no download cap. Good service as well, much better than the likes of BT.
              It seems like the prices get lower and lower with each poster! Thanks for all the suggestions so far!
              STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


              • #22
                Tiscali, 2MB/Sec and 50GB download limit/month. I have never had problems with them, but I don't know the exact price, seeing as i don't pay for it...

                I alone push the limit to about 20GB, just browsing Apolyton...
                You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

