What's wrong with bumping one's own threads. Isn't it the basic purpose of bumping, to call attention to a thread/subject that you find to be important enough to merit a thread in the first place? If you considered it worthy of a thread, why on earth shouldn't you on occasion bump it! I don't get it. Lately some people seem to frown upon self-bumping. Didn't use to be a problem back in the day.
Oh and if you do bump the thread of another poster, it's more often by making an actual reply than it is just bumping. I'd say the whole concept of bumping is closely connected to doing it by yourself, so to speak.
Thanks for listening, have a good night and drive carefully.
Oh and if you do bump the thread of another poster, it's more often by making an actual reply than it is just bumping. I'd say the whole concept of bumping is closely connected to doing it by yourself, so to speak.
Thanks for listening, have a good night and drive carefully.