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This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine

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  • This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine

    "But over the weekend, state Assemblyman Dov Hikind said police should be focusing on those who fit the "terrorist profile."

    "They all look a certain way," said Hikind, a Democrat from Brooklyn. "It's all very nice to be politically correct here, but we're talking about terrorism"

    Im not sure i can express how this makes me feel. Assemblymen Hikind represents a part of Brooklyn where i have many relatives. He is an Orthodox Jew, represents an overwhelmingly Orth Jewish area (and particularly ultra orthodox), and IIUC is seen as something of a spokesman for O Jews in the legislature.

    Unfortunately he hasnt thought things through, I dont think.

    Is he aware that a not inconsiderable number of his JEWISH constituents could pass for middle eastern? Well actually some of them ARE Middle eastern - his district includes substantial communities of Yemenite and Central Asian Jews. But that wasnt what i first thought of. No, I wasnt even thinking THAT universally. I was thinking of some Ashekanazic (IE Eastern european) jews, who happen to be quite dark complected - including some of my own nieces and nephews. Perhaps Assemblymen Hikind is presuming that someone wearing Hassidic garb would not be searched? Perhaps the Assemblyman is unaware that in Israel suicide bombers have, IIUC, adopted the clothing of Orthodox Jews in order to disguise themselves? Does the Assemblyman think this couldnt happen in New York? (this is of course not even to mention the assemblymans many hispanic constituents, for ex) Without even getting into the question of the justification of profiling MUSLIMS, this just strikes me as poorly thought out. IF youre going to argue for an policy as problematic as profiling, I think you first need to think through all the implications.

    I am ashamed.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

  • #2
    I bet I could make a Muslim into a very convincing I-tai or Spaniard, and turn an O'Jew into a spitting image of Osama... It ain't like the terrorist is going to spray paint a big T on his shirt or anything...


