ok sorry for any typos and maybe a little bit of a mess in the order of what i am telling here...i just wrote what came up in me from what i learned from my 'historial writings and changes upon these writings' college i have had
first of all ofcourse christians believe the film is basically historically correct because they believe the bible is basically historically correct thus this is a void argument.
let us look at the bible we have to day. I think i wasnt translated into english from latin until around the 17 or 18 century. in which times a lot of different kind of bibles were in ciculation. the orginal texts as you know where not in latin but in hebrew? which in 40 A.D wasnt the same as when it was translated in lets say 800 A.D (just a year nothing accurt here) in which time a lot of the stories were already mutilated because of mouth to mouth telling and changes in scripts and languages. then in i think 1205 the RC church had a very famous meeting where they made the bible we know today. they chose what texts would be in the bible and what not.
now it is also know that jesus never said himself that he was the son of god if you believe the black sea scrolls and the evangelion of thomas (one of the several stories that didnt make it into the RC bible) which i both recently read. this was done by the R.C church for justification of there power.
even the fragments found from 90-200 AD are like you say fragments and have been subject to change. they are not the first stories of the apostels. they were copied or written down after hearing about the stories. i will not say those texts were heavily modified but those texts do not speak of jesus as the son of god yet.
they are also written in a time of great political turmoil and it is hard to believe that execpt these writers all the other historians in the world were biased and wrote stories to promote there side in policital turmoil times.
then if you look at the timespan you talk about from 30 A.D to maximum of 200 A.D...there is no book in the world that hasnt changed in 100 years to fit the readers of that time...
is it then hard to believe that with all these changes there could also be people that have changed the bible for policital reasons?
so if we think it has been translated serveral times and there were many different copies of the 'bible' and if we take into account your own statement that the RC church was pretty corrupt at times and controlled the bible I think it is fair to say that the bible does not form a basically historically correct base about the story of jesus christ.
first of all ofcourse christians believe the film is basically historically correct because they believe the bible is basically historically correct thus this is a void argument.
let us look at the bible we have to day. I think i wasnt translated into english from latin until around the 17 or 18 century. in which times a lot of different kind of bibles were in ciculation. the orginal texts as you know where not in latin but in hebrew? which in 40 A.D wasnt the same as when it was translated in lets say 800 A.D (just a year nothing accurt here) in which time a lot of the stories were already mutilated because of mouth to mouth telling and changes in scripts and languages. then in i think 1205 the RC church had a very famous meeting where they made the bible we know today. they chose what texts would be in the bible and what not.
now it is also know that jesus never said himself that he was the son of god if you believe the black sea scrolls and the evangelion of thomas (one of the several stories that didnt make it into the RC bible) which i both recently read. this was done by the R.C church for justification of there power.
even the fragments found from 90-200 AD are like you say fragments and have been subject to change. they are not the first stories of the apostels. they were copied or written down after hearing about the stories. i will not say those texts were heavily modified but those texts do not speak of jesus as the son of god yet.
they are also written in a time of great political turmoil and it is hard to believe that execpt these writers all the other historians in the world were biased and wrote stories to promote there side in policital turmoil times.
then if you look at the timespan you talk about from 30 A.D to maximum of 200 A.D...there is no book in the world that hasnt changed in 100 years to fit the readers of that time...
is it then hard to believe that with all these changes there could also be people that have changed the bible for policital reasons?
so if we think it has been translated serveral times and there were many different copies of the 'bible' and if we take into account your own statement that the RC church was pretty corrupt at times and controlled the bible I think it is fair to say that the bible does not form a basically historically correct base about the story of jesus christ.