We just got hit with 3-4 inches of rain and for the second time this year, water and dirt (mud) flowed into our window wells on one side of the house filling the wells up once the drains were clogged with mud which I spent a couple hours bailing. The water is coming from under the walls too but thats a grade problem I think.
I was a bit perplexed to see the window wells didn't have bottoms but instead relied on soil. Thats why the well drains keep getting clogged, water and soil run into the wells from the bottom. They aren't securely attached to the wall so water comes in from the side as well. We definitely have to build the grade back up but I'm thinking new window wells with bottoms and well covers are needed too.
Anyone familiar with this stuff? Sigh...
Oh yeah, in addition to the low spot that has formed over years of settling, one roof drain extension right at the corner with the worst problem probably isnt draining properly if at all, so an immediate measure I will take asap is a new drain pipe/hose leading away from the corner.
I was a bit perplexed to see the window wells didn't have bottoms but instead relied on soil. Thats why the well drains keep getting clogged, water and soil run into the wells from the bottom. They aren't securely attached to the wall so water comes in from the side as well. We definitely have to build the grade back up but I'm thinking new window wells with bottoms and well covers are needed too.
Anyone familiar with this stuff? Sigh...
Oh yeah, in addition to the low spot that has formed over years of settling, one roof drain extension right at the corner with the worst problem probably isnt draining properly if at all, so an immediate measure I will take asap is a new drain pipe/hose leading away from the corner.