Someone pointed out something very wise to me a little while ago.
ALMOST everyone who *CAN* collect on social security, DOES collect on social security.
Social security was meant to help those who were disenfranchised, destitute and hit hard times. A large segment of the population which is eligible to receive it simply for being old, DOES take it. This includes lots of people who are NOT destitute! I don't know the % of the total social security budget but I am sure it is significant and the fact that so many people who don't NEED the money take it, is the reason benefits have been slashed on those who DO.
Isn't the Republican party the one that preaches against handouts, entitlements and for "personal responsibility".
It seems they only preach responsibility when it is politically advantageous to themselves, harm full to their enemies, meaningless or most important, EASY. On a tangent, I guess massive deficit spending is another word for responsibility!
Responsibility is a really sexy word which makes you sound like you have the moral mandate for goverment, ain't it?
Social security is none of those things so Republicans don't advocate that people who are NOT DESTITUTE not collect on social security.
I am WELL aware of the fact that I, you and everyone else pays for social security with our taxes but we also pay for alot of other things. Taxes are collected allow the government to function, and among its mandate is to promote the general welfare. Social security is a tax on society which is SUPPOSED to help the impoverished-the benefit you receive from this is a society with less poor people, and you get to collect if YOU become poor-it is also insurance.
But so many people who DON'T need the money, collect on it. Technically you are entitled to it but technically, you are also one huge part of the problem.
All I hear on the news is Republicans bashing democrats for not having an alternative. All I see is Republicans being gutless cowards because they won't advocate the most expedient and most efficient change to social security-telling people with a certain income level to not collect, or slightly more extreme, legislating that you have to have less then a certain annual income to collect.
For balance-Democrats suck too, though they never claim to be the party of "responsibility".
ALMOST everyone who *CAN* collect on social security, DOES collect on social security.
Social security was meant to help those who were disenfranchised, destitute and hit hard times. A large segment of the population which is eligible to receive it simply for being old, DOES take it. This includes lots of people who are NOT destitute! I don't know the % of the total social security budget but I am sure it is significant and the fact that so many people who don't NEED the money take it, is the reason benefits have been slashed on those who DO.
Isn't the Republican party the one that preaches against handouts, entitlements and for "personal responsibility".
It seems they only preach responsibility when it is politically advantageous to themselves, harm full to their enemies, meaningless or most important, EASY. On a tangent, I guess massive deficit spending is another word for responsibility!
Responsibility is a really sexy word which makes you sound like you have the moral mandate for goverment, ain't it?
Social security is none of those things so Republicans don't advocate that people who are NOT DESTITUTE not collect on social security.
I am WELL aware of the fact that I, you and everyone else pays for social security with our taxes but we also pay for alot of other things. Taxes are collected allow the government to function, and among its mandate is to promote the general welfare. Social security is a tax on society which is SUPPOSED to help the impoverished-the benefit you receive from this is a society with less poor people, and you get to collect if YOU become poor-it is also insurance.
But so many people who DON'T need the money, collect on it. Technically you are entitled to it but technically, you are also one huge part of the problem.
All I hear on the news is Republicans bashing democrats for not having an alternative. All I see is Republicans being gutless cowards because they won't advocate the most expedient and most efficient change to social security-telling people with a certain income level to not collect, or slightly more extreme, legislating that you have to have less then a certain annual income to collect.
For balance-Democrats suck too, though they never claim to be the party of "responsibility".