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The Keeper of 2000 Secrets

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  • The Keeper of 2000 Secrets

    I came across this site awhile back. The basic premise involves people creating a postcard on which they write down a secret. Some of the secrets are amusing, others rather dark. However all of them are painfully honest.

    The best part of this site however, is that it allows people to acknowlege their secrets and in doing so take control of them. The sites therapeutic value is evident in some of the testamonials at the bottom such as;

    "A friend sent me a link to postsecret and I loved it! I thought postsecret was the most amazing eye-opening website I'd ever seen and I was very excited because I too had a secret I wanted to post. I thought long and hard about how I wanted to word my secret and I searched for the perfect postcard to display it on. After I had created my postcard I stepped back to admire my handiwork. Instead of feeling relieved that I had finally got my secret out, I felt terrible instead. It was right then that I decided that I didn't want to be the person with that secret any longer. I ripped up my postcard and I decided to start making some changes in my life. Thank you postsecret for helping me acknowledge my secret so that I could be on my way to becoming a new and better person."

    "i've made out seven different post cards tonight; but they all ended up in the trashcan. the bottom line is that all i want to say is, "thank you for saving my life."
    So if anyone here has something thats torturing their pysche, feel free to use this site as an outlet.

    edit: it might make sense for me to actually link the site

    secrets, postcard, secret, postcards, postsecret, , Frank Warren, postsecrets,online confessional, post secret, post secrets, artomatic, post a secret
    When the stars threw down their spears,
    and water'd heaven with their tears,
    Did he smile his work to see?
    Did he who made the lamb make thee?