This dude doesn't even bother to change his appearance and we still can't find him!

(CNN) -- Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant urged Muslims to press on with their jihad against U.S. and Western interests in the "land of Islam," saying that Islamic nations must be allowed to run their own affairs without foreign interference.
The Arabic language television network Al-Jazeera aired on Friday portions of the video by Ayman al-Zawahiri, the No. 2 man in al Qaeda -- his first message in four months.
The gray-bearded, bespectacled terrorist leader looked healthier and fuller than he did in his last message, which aired February 20.
The Arabic language television network Al-Jazeera aired on Friday portions of the video by Ayman al-Zawahiri, the No. 2 man in al Qaeda -- his first message in four months.
The gray-bearded, bespectacled terrorist leader looked healthier and fuller than he did in his last message, which aired February 20.