I did some corporate crime fighting today.. that is filed in the SC Arhives under the name of CCF (Corporate Crime Fighting). I'm very tough on CCF, even though I hate leftist crap, I acknowledge poor getting stuck all the time and big businesses have money anyway so sticking it to the poor ranks Red Alert high.
You see.. I moved out of my last address from Feb to this current one. A big ass ISP tried to stick it to me. I had quit my account there and I even remember the call. They said yeah OK. I moved out, and they had billed me for all this time, and conviniently enough the bills were a lot today, with all the interest on top of interest in top of new bills etc. Did they bother to call me all this time? No.. they just thought **** him, let's bill him some more and put more interest on interest.
The thing is, they were about to call the 'collecting firm', and they put super high interest on it right away and give you like 2 hours to pay and if you don't, you lose your credit and basically your life. In here you can't get **** without credit, paying in cash doesn't do it.
So... they called me. I was like WTF? But.. as I've been saying many times, I get my way at the end of it. Throw any kind of official in front of me and when it's all over.... what happens is this story:
A young bull was walking on a field and saying to his dad bull, 'look at those cows on the field.. let's go, rumble our way in and have our ways with one of them'. The dad said no son.. let's sneak behind the herd and have sex with all of them.
And that's what happens when I'm on a roll. It's such a beautiful day in here and girls are pretty and I'm having fun, and it's my day off from work, so I felt like sticking it to the man. Did I shout at them for their incompetency, that could have resulted me losing my credit etc? No.. I worked my way up.. I played dumb, I played nice, and then I moved in.. I was playing fish, but all the time I was moving in to make my move, to be the shark. And the time came, I had aces in the pocket and I put all in and called the bastards for it and after the river, it was allllll mine
... from trying to make me pay and be sorry, I made them be sorry and they are sending me a letter of apology. Yes. I asked if I can get a letter of the fact that my account is now deleted because it seems like I can't trust they do it this time, so they agreed of course. Then I said I feel this is very rude of them, and that I think I should get some kind of compensation for it. They disagreed, and I asked if I could get a letter of apology and they said nothing at first but then the woman talking to me said she'll write one herself and put it in with the letter... 

it was beautiful. You guys should have seen me working it. And it was them catching me off guard in the first place. MAN I'm good!
You see.. I moved out of my last address from Feb to this current one. A big ass ISP tried to stick it to me. I had quit my account there and I even remember the call. They said yeah OK. I moved out, and they had billed me for all this time, and conviniently enough the bills were a lot today, with all the interest on top of interest in top of new bills etc. Did they bother to call me all this time? No.. they just thought **** him, let's bill him some more and put more interest on interest.
The thing is, they were about to call the 'collecting firm', and they put super high interest on it right away and give you like 2 hours to pay and if you don't, you lose your credit and basically your life. In here you can't get **** without credit, paying in cash doesn't do it.
So... they called me. I was like WTF? But.. as I've been saying many times, I get my way at the end of it. Throw any kind of official in front of me and when it's all over.... what happens is this story:
A young bull was walking on a field and saying to his dad bull, 'look at those cows on the field.. let's go, rumble our way in and have our ways with one of them'. The dad said no son.. let's sneak behind the herd and have sex with all of them.
And that's what happens when I'm on a roll. It's such a beautiful day in here and girls are pretty and I'm having fun, and it's my day off from work, so I felt like sticking it to the man. Did I shout at them for their incompetency, that could have resulted me losing my credit etc? No.. I worked my way up.. I played dumb, I played nice, and then I moved in.. I was playing fish, but all the time I was moving in to make my move, to be the shark. And the time came, I had aces in the pocket and I put all in and called the bastards for it and after the river, it was allllll mine


it was beautiful. You guys should have seen me working it. And it was them catching me off guard in the first place. MAN I'm good!