Last Night the History Channel had a biography/interview with Robert Mcnamara. It was very interesting stuff. It covered his growing up in the 1920's & 1930's followed by his high ranking position in the US Army Air Corp during the Pacific War including his quote of US Commanders Lamay of the US Army Air Corp that had they lost WW2 the fire bombing of Japanese cities during WW2 would have resulted in war crimes trials for them all. It also covered his position as President of the Ford Motor company and becoming the Highest paid executive in the world followed by his resignation so he could become Secritary of Defense for John Kennedy.
Totally awesome program. In 1963 Mcnamara fathered a plan to withdraw all US forces from Vietnam by 1965 which included an immediate withdrawl of 1k US forces of 16k followed by a measured withdrawl of the rest. Kennnedy agreed and things looked like the US would withdraw from Vietnam but the coupe of 1963 changed everything. The CIA was behind the coupe but the President of the US and the secretary of defense didn't even know about it until after the South Vietnamese President was dead. Kennedy ordered heads to roll at the CIA but he was assassinated before the process was complete. President Johnson ordered a 180 degree turn in US Vietnam policy including a massive escolation of US involvement.
This is a really great prgram which has word for word quotes from the actual players.
Totally awesome program. In 1963 Mcnamara fathered a plan to withdraw all US forces from Vietnam by 1965 which included an immediate withdrawl of 1k US forces of 16k followed by a measured withdrawl of the rest. Kennnedy agreed and things looked like the US would withdraw from Vietnam but the coupe of 1963 changed everything. The CIA was behind the coupe but the President of the US and the secretary of defense didn't even know about it until after the South Vietnamese President was dead. Kennedy ordered heads to roll at the CIA but he was assassinated before the process was complete. President Johnson ordered a 180 degree turn in US Vietnam policy including a massive escolation of US involvement.
This is a really great prgram which has word for word quotes from the actual players.
