Originally posted by Sir Ralph
But it didn't work, obviously. The full price for the bread still had to be paid, by adding extra charges or excises in luxury goods. People paid the price for cheap bread by having many luxuries unaffordable. A color TV in the GDR cost about 6,000 Marks, which equals the wage of about half a year for a worker. The cheapest car cost 10,000 Marks, and did not deserve to be called "car" at that. The cheapest real car was about 20,000 Marks.
But it didn't work, obviously. The full price for the bread still had to be paid, by adding extra charges or excises in luxury goods. People paid the price for cheap bread by having many luxuries unaffordable. A color TV in the GDR cost about 6,000 Marks, which equals the wage of about half a year for a worker. The cheapest car cost 10,000 Marks, and did not deserve to be called "car" at that. The cheapest real car was about 20,000 Marks.