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What courses are you taking next term?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Asher
    Once you get past the boring fundamentals you get on to the really intriguing stuff, like AI.
    Yeah, I know, a lot of it is really interesting, in theory at least. But in the longterm, I just can't see myself doing it for a job, and in the short-term, another year of hardware classes and operating systems would end with someone's death.
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #32
      You live near PB and you don't golf? Oh the humanities!

      It likely costs a few hundred to go a round...

      It's public isn't it?

      We'll go to Monterey aqurium one of these years. Maybe not though, we always end up going to the Phils. We talk about traveling in the US but when we end up with time on our hands there isn't much question where we want to be.

      Now there's talk of another coup in the Phils so who knows.

      There's a 9 hole course about 25 min south that has a good resteraunt and bar which looks out on two greens and a tee. Cheap beer too. Ahh, those were good days!
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #33
        Hey, Immortal Wombat, you wanna stay on topic please? This thread is about golf.
        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • #34
          Actually, it's about communist golfers who are taking various college courses, and are experimenting in creating a new, brain-sucking locust species, right?
          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


          • #35
            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • #36
              Starchild, that has got to be one of the better courses I have seen.

              All I'm doing is A2 Chemistry, A2 Biology, and A2 Maths, with hopefully a couple of Modules from further maths...
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • #37
                Golf courses generally have the best hotels on them. So, why I hate to golf I like staying at them.


                • #38
                  Fall 2005

                  Philosophy 379 – Logic II
                  Introduction to the metatheory of logical systems. Completeness, compactness, Löwenheim-Skolem, and undecidability theorems for first-order logic. Preview of non-standard models, second-order logic, and Gödel's first incompleteness theorem.

                  Philosophy 589.58 – Desire, Reason, and Motivation
                  Hume famously, and rather blasphemously, said that “reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.” There are two distinct claims here. One is that the passions in fact play a role in all motivation. The second is that the passions should play a role in all motivation. In this course we will consider each of these claims in depth. During the first half of the course we will read from the most influential writers on the topic of motivation: Hume, Kant, Davidson, Williams, Korsgaard, Dancy, Smith, and others. In the second half of the course we will read two recent books on these subjects: G. F. Schueler’s Reasons and Purposes: Human Rationality and the Teleological Explanation of Action, and Joshua Gert’s Brute Rationality: Normativity and Human Action.

                  Philosophy 590 – Honours Thesis FULL YEAR
                  Haven’t determined what I’m going to write the thesis on yet, though I know that it will be in the general area of metaethics.

                  Philosophy 595 – Directed Reading
                  The directed reading material is on the same topic as the thesis.

                  Winter 2006

                  Philosophy 589.57 – Consciousness and Personhood
                  An examination of some current theories about the relationship between people/selves and their conscious states and actions.

                  Philosophy 590 – Honours Thesis FULL YEAR
                  Haven’t determined what I’m going to write the thesis on yet, though I know that it will be in the general area of metaethics.

                  Political Science 407 – Classical Political Thought
                  An examination of selected classical texts from historians, dramatists and political philosophers with special focus upon the concepts relevant to political problems in the twentieth century.
                  You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                  • #39
                    So this thread can get back to golf:

                    *Everything ever said about how Philosophy is a waste of time and you can never make a living with it and it is just stupid, and some ramblings by Asher*

                    *Every rebuttal ever made about Philosophy being stupid, a list of sitations of other people who don't find Philosophy worthless, random flame, something about Kahnt or Jung or something*


                    Now that that is settled.

                    The nicest golf course I have stayed at but have never played on because I don't like golf is Princeville Resort on Kauai


                    • #40
                      Summer Session I:

                      Econ UD: Economic Development
                      Econ UD: Advanced Macroeconomics

                      Summer Session II:

                      French 120A: Advanced French (linguistics, conversation, lit)


                      French 120B: Advanced French (linguistics, conversation, lit)
                      History 150: Geneva; history, political, economic, and social influence
                      History 151: Switzerland in Europe; history, political, economic, social influence
                      International Law 61: International Law and Organizations
                      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                      • #41
                        Don't know yet, except that it's all related to programming and operating systems most likely. And more mathematics. Those are my two subjects. that's all I do.. I've only done little networking besides that and I'll finish the CCNA (cisco) then but I'm not too excited about the subject (sorry pchang ).

                        Most likely some software development/architecture stuff. And the big thing is I'll be doing my candidate work. In here, you first are a student of x, then when about half is done, you'll do your candidate 'research'. It's not much of a research as you won't be doing your OWN research, rather collecting information and then publish the POS research. But it's some work and there's some importance to it. That I'll do this next year, after that I'll only do (next year) advanced courses, more specialized courses and finish it up with my thesis and tadaa! I'm Master in Science or some crap like that. For that I actually have to do research and it's serious, many people do it for like a whole year or so. I'm not doing it that way, I'm doing it full day, full week until I get it done.. like few months or so. Then I'll either go and get a job, see if I have advanced in my current company (the big N), I want to do my thesis for them. Basically it's a good deal, they pay me money to do it (it has to concern their area of course, so maybe mobile something and on software, who knows but that would seem reasonable, or do it on Series60 or some crap like that, I soudn real excited don't I? ), then hopefully get the good job in there which they usually do (who do their thesis for them), hopefully in R&D, or software security related issues, the virus etc field is becoming big soon in mobile tech so maybe that. Then hopefully few years of that and I'm shooting for project manager position, do that for a while, couple of years, still be in my early 30s, and move out to States/Canada/Europe/Asia, and hopefully have kickass experiences so I can get a real high paying job with a big company, or starting company with little less but good options and possible ownersihp. Maybe hopefully do mobile security consultancy or some crap like that. Now I'm supposed to have great network, so I'll use that and grab a hold of everyone who I feel is prominent and good, and we'll set up a business, kick ass, and make millions, hopefully before I hit 40s. Then focus on only projects I feel very good about and personal interest, or change the field totally into something else. Do lots of small roles with no lines in Hollywood movies . Or Bollywood! But then I need lines.

                        Retire early 50, spend lots of times with my teenage kids, see their practice and games and do that thing. Focus on it and just relax. Maybe get a fishing boat and see if any of you bastards wants to go fishing and drinkign singapore slings with me. Acapulco shirts required and relaxed attitude. Go to international waters to shoot some whales with C4 all coked up. See my kids graduate from good schools, help them with what ever it is they want to be doing. Maybe get them good positions and let them attach themselves with my contacts.

                        I figure at this point I shoud have at least 20 years to go (if God let's me have) or more, and I should be in shape still to do things. Pick up golfing again I started in my 30s, support my University and donate some money there, set up few projects to fund the unfortunate and poor people where I happen to live then, wait for grandkids. Then spend time with them and do the whole kid thing once again. Never miss practice or game or show. Never. It will be my mission to never miss one, and I'll cheer and take pictures and spoil them.

                        Now I should be in my late 50s/early 60s, and I'll start my own fighter managment/team/event. A real nice MMA event, for amateurs breaking into first pro fights. I'll take them guys and sponsor them and make them champions of the world. This I will do until the day I die, I'm the old guy in the gym, talking about the 'old great ones' but they don't have respect for them anymore.. But they'll listen to me and my stories anyway because they feel obligated to in some sick way. I'll prolly tell the same stories over and over again, but they don't have the heart to interrupt me. Teach them few old school tricks, when fighting was real. My fighters families will also get to know me well because I invite all my fighters and their families to big dinners at the backyard.. We'll watch fight films all the time and I get the ringside seat where ever I go. Maybe they will even let me do the gambling rates too for favourites.

                        Yep.. and it's all because after this summer I worked so hard they remember me the best and give me the shot next year for the bigger leagues inside the company. I have it all worked out.

                        And if I don't get a good job when my thesis is done, I'll likely shop around for jobs outside Finland, if I don't seem to get what I want, I'll continue and do PhD.
                        In da butt.
                        "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                        THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                        "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Krill
                          Starchild, that has got to be one of the better courses I have seen.

                          All I'm doing is A2 Chemistry, A2 Biology, and A2 Maths, with hopefully a couple of Modules from further maths...
                          University of East Anglia baby. Our School of Biological Sciences is in the top ten.
                          Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
                          -Richard Dawkins


                          • #43
                            Philosophy 379 – Logic II
                            Introduction to the metatheory of logical systems. Completeness, compactness, Löwenheim-Skolem, and undecidability theorems for first-order logic. Preview of non-standard models, second-order logic, and Gödel's first incompleteness theorem.
                            This should be in the math department, not philosophy!


                            • #44
                              Cross-listed, mayhaps?
                              Visit The Frontier for all your geopolitical, historical, sci-fi, and fantasy forum gaming needs.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Voltaire
                                Fall 2005

                                Philosophy 379 – Logic II
                                Introduction to the metatheory of logical systems. Completeness, compactness, Löwenheim-Skolem, and undecidability theorems for first-order logic. Preview of non-standard models, second-order logic, and Gödel's first incompleteness theorem.

                                Philosophy 589.58 – Desire, Reason, and Motivation
                                Hume famously, and rather blasphemously, said that “reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.” There are two distinct claims here. One is that the passions in fact play a role in all motivation. The second is that the passions should play a role in all motivation. In this course we will consider each of these claims in depth. During the first half of the course we will read from the most influential writers on the topic of motivation: Hume, Kant, Davidson, Williams, Korsgaard, Dancy, Smith, and others. In the second half of the course we will read two recent books on these subjects: G. F. Schueler’s Reasons and Purposes: Human Rationality and the Teleological Explanation of Action, and Joshua Gert’s Brute Rationality: Normativity and Human Action.

                                Philosophy 590 – Honours Thesis FULL YEAR
                                Haven’t determined what I’m going to write the thesis on yet, though I know that it will be in the general area of metaethics.

                                Philosophy 595 – Directed Reading
                                The directed reading material is on the same topic as the thesis.

                                Winter 2006

                                Philosophy 589.57 – Consciousness and Personhood
                                An examination of some current theories about the relationship between people/selves and their conscious states and actions.

                                Philosophy 590 – Honours Thesis FULL YEAR
                                Haven’t determined what I’m going to write the thesis on yet, though I know that it will be in the general area of metaethics.

                                Political Science 407 – Classical Political Thought
                                An examination of selected classical texts from historians, dramatists and political philosophers with special focus upon the concepts relevant to political problems in the twentieth century.
                                You go to the University of Calgary?


                                PHIL379 is a joke...

                                Here you go Aggie, not only do we have another UofCer here, he looks like he's a philosophy major.
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

