Two links I came across on Slashdot . In the first , we have the news that a fully GPL licensed game is being released for Linux , Windows , and soon for the Mac ( with apologies to Agathorn ) . Imagine the moddability . . . . . . .
The second is that Winamp AVS and Milkdrop are being BSD licensed by AOL .
Both , I think , will have a huge impact on their respective industries .
Is the tide of free software unstoppable ?
AOL BSDing Winamp AVS and Milkdrop
Fully GPLd game website
Download Link for GPLd game
The second is that Winamp AVS and Milkdrop are being BSD licensed by AOL .
Both , I think , will have a huge impact on their respective industries .
Is the tide of free software unstoppable ?
AOL BSDing Winamp AVS and Milkdrop
Fully GPLd game website
Download Link for GPLd game