I had this great idea! Everybody heard of the show tradingspaces where one neighbor switches with the other to each remodel on room in the neighbor's house. Well, I wish I was a porn producer sometimes. They should make a show, on PPV, or playboy channel called trading places. Where neighbors trade wifes for 2 days and tryout new stuff, shows them their secret maneuvers and positions and such. Wouldn't that be great!
I'm sure it could work, thoguh the candidates would'nt be always good looking. But you'd get all kinds of porn, midget porn, fat and ugly porn, mature and grandma porn.....lol
ANy ideas?
I'm sure it could work, thoguh the candidates would'nt be always good looking. But you'd get all kinds of porn, midget porn, fat and ugly porn, mature and grandma porn.....lol
ANy ideas?