Originally posted by Velociryx
Agathon: because it creates capital?
Ahhh...so then, because you and a relatively few others live with the haunting fear that someone, somewhere might use the power of electricity to kill, rather than to enable the computer that you're using to type and publish the message above to the 'net, the obvious solution is to unbuild the power plants...rip them down and come up with a method of power generation that can only be used for good...is that about right?
Like electricity, capital can be used for good or ill. Generating quantities (even vast quantities) is not a bad thing, and in fact, necessary for modern society to continue to function, and further, while you cannot accurately predict every subtle shift in a beach by looking at a single grain of sand, you can learn quite a lot by focusing on the individual elements that make up that beach. Further still, society is not the borg collective, but a teeming mass of *individuals* and if you want to truly study society, THAT is where the path begins....with the individual.
Agathon: because it creates capital?
Ahhh...so then, because you and a relatively few others live with the haunting fear that someone, somewhere might use the power of electricity to kill, rather than to enable the computer that you're using to type and publish the message above to the 'net, the obvious solution is to unbuild the power plants...rip them down and come up with a method of power generation that can only be used for good...is that about right?
Like electricity, capital can be used for good or ill. Generating quantities (even vast quantities) is not a bad thing, and in fact, necessary for modern society to continue to function, and further, while you cannot accurately predict every subtle shift in a beach by looking at a single grain of sand, you can learn quite a lot by focusing on the individual elements that make up that beach. Further still, society is not the borg collective, but a teeming mass of *individuals* and if you want to truly study society, THAT is where the path begins....with the individual.
I don't really care about your adventures in capitalism. I always laugh at small business people moaning about socialism – as if communists cared about their delusions of grandeur. The problems that attend capitalism are caused in the main by large agglomerations of capital in private hands, not by you doing up the odd house here and there.
Interesting that you should focus so much on the desert earned by work. Marx would not have any issue with that.