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I want to be a teacher.

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  • #46
    I am just about to complete my first semester teaching.

    It was a special, baptismal experience with the good and the bad. And a learning experience for me, as well as for the students. My teaching skills will only improve from here on and I have no regrets from my experience with this first semester.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Kidicious
      It was my own fault, but not because I was mean. I wasn't prepared for it, and I let them take advantage of me. Your experience as a student doesn't really allow you to see what teachers go through and what they have to do to do their job.
      This is where I think I have an advantage. Knowing what my mom experiences from the other side is invaluable in this regard. I'm fairly close to her teacher friends, who were also my high school teachers. So I've gotten all the tales, the good, bad and ugly about being a teacher.

      As I told Bosh in pm, I have a different perspective than many. Most teachers tend to get into it straight out of college and never experience other types of work. Me, I've been out here in the rat race of corporate America, and have had a good variety of jobs. So I don't think I'll have as much of the "grass is greener" syndrome that many teachers get--I know it ain't so green here.

      I thought that all of my students would be as good of a student as I was and be as eager for knowledge. Most students aren't like that. If they think that you are too easy and they can make a party out of your room they will.
      See, I don't think that will be such a problem--I don't have such expectations of kids. I know that most won't be the kind of student I was. And discipline is something I learned from my mom. I can boom pretty loudly (thank you, opera training!) and have often scared the hell out of people with a yell. I know a healthy dose of fear is good for teacher/student relations.
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #48
        Originally posted by Boris Godunov
        I can boom pretty loudly (thank you, opera training!) and have often scared the hell out of people with a yell.

        But never yell. The first day you yell you've lost control and they will all know it. You should do well with lots of people to help you. Good luck
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • #49
          I agrre with some of the other posters that Boris should teach at a community college or tech school. Teachers get paid peanuts, and you'll be more busy keeping the kids under control than teaching if my classmates were anything to go by.

          BTW, I am hoping to become a Uni professor. What kind of salary and benifits do they get?


          • #50
            Pretend you're not gay and teach in a conseravtive Christian school. They don't have credentials.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #51
              Originally posted by chegitz guevara
              Pretend you're not gay and teach in a conseravtive Christian school. They don't have credentials.
              That shouldn't be too hard since homosexuality is a CHOICE and anyone who is gay
              must accept their fate of fire and brimstone praise Jesus become a PLUS
              SAVE Apolyton!!


              • #52


                • #53
                  Very noble...
                  Speaking of Erith:

                  "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                    Pretend you're not gay and teach in a conseravtive Christian school. They don't have credentials.

                    I can ask the Catholic private school in the rural town I grew up in, to see if they want a new teacher . . . . .

                    Then, I will have Boris kidnapped, bound, and shipped there and remain there for life.
                    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                    • #55
                      Leave your perverted fantasies out of this.
                      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                      "Capitalism ho!"


                      • #56
                        Had a very encouraging conversation today with one of my best friends, who is a teacher. When I told her of my plan, she said "it's about time!" She and several others I know have told me that I'd be a great teacher and it's something I was meant to do.

                        Now I'm pumped! HOOYAH!
                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • #57
                          Maybe you would be interested in visiting the blogs of other historians, Boris.

                          I provided links to some of them in my last post in the thread I started.
                          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

