Was a good freakin movie. Ridley Scott has done it again.
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Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God
"Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)
"I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."Tags: None
There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger
I was really disappointed by Gladiator, where he had everything in place to make a truly excellent picture, and instead made a heavy handed Swarzennegger style revenge movie, minus the comedy.He's got the Midas touch.
But he touched it too much!
Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!