Here in Oregon there is an ongoing debate on the subject. Gambling dollars from state lotterys go to all sorts of worthy sounding stuff. For instance, clean water, restoring salmon runs, kids sports, schools. The taxpayers consistantly vote down tax increases, property tax increaes are capped. Oregonians don't want more taxes. So, the state has increased its gambling revenue. Studies show that it is often the poor who turn to lotterys in the hope of finding their way out of poverty. Some addicted gamblers will burn through their paychecks and then turn to food givaways such as church charitys...
Gotta go get the wife, brb.
So anyway, you have the left saying it's a tax on the poor while the churchgoing right say its immoral. Strange bedfellows working towards the same ends. Lots of people think if they spend the money on gambling they'll have less $ to spend on junk cars to put on blocks in front of their trailers. Personal responsibilty in other words.
Gotta go get the wife, brb.
So anyway, you have the left saying it's a tax on the poor while the churchgoing right say its immoral. Strange bedfellows working towards the same ends. Lots of people think if they spend the money on gambling they'll have less $ to spend on junk cars to put on blocks in front of their trailers. Personal responsibilty in other words.