I wonder precisley how fast their lawyers tail their assanine activites to pay people off with 10x the value of the good and services they stole, wavers in hand?
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So who has seen that assanine show, "Conned" on comedy central?
You mean "Con"? Judging by the commercials, it is one of the stupidest things I have seen in a long time... I've only seen one episode.. Where the guy makes "porn". Though it *was* sort of funny to watch the reactions of all the porn people watching his movie with the most WTF expressions on their faces. Not funny enough to entice me to see another installment though.
I've not found it remotely funny or entertaining. A shame, since the concept could be.
Rather, the guy comes across as a completely unlikeable ******* who is treating people like crap. He's not even scamming people who deserve to be scammed. This is the kind of person normal people hate, so why would people want to watch a show where he's getting away with this stuff?Tutto nel mondo è burla