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Apolyton list: 25 greatest Americans

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    the GREATEST american EVER

    *drumroll please*
    Martin Luther King, Jr., minister, civil rights leader, activist. 17 votes.

    2. Thomas Jefferson, philosopher, Founding Father, President. 16 votes
    2. Abraham Lincoln, President. 16 votes
    3. Benjamin Franklin, inventor, Founding Father. 13 votes
    4. Thomas Edison, inventor. 11 votes
    5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President. 9 votes
    6. George Washington, Founding Father, President. 7 votes
    7. Ronald Reagan, President. 6 votes
    8. Homer Simpson, fictional character, 5 votes
    9. Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in WWII, President. 4 votes
    9. Alexander Hamilton, Founding Father. 4 votes
    10. James Madison, Founding Father, President. 3 votes
    10. Mark Twain, author. 3 votes
    10. Richard Feynman, scientist of some sort. 3 votes
    10. Albert Einstein, physicist. 3 votes

    Norman Borlaug - 2
    Thomas Paine - 2
    Enrico Fermi - 2
    Henry Ford - 2
    Bob Dylan - 2
    Eugene Debbs - 2
    Nikola Tesla - 2
    Orville Wright & Wilbur Wright - 2
    Emma Goldman - 2
    Texas Walker Ranger - 2
    John Marshall - 2
    Frederick Douglass - 2
    Mr. T - 2
    Jimi Hendrix - 2

    George Patton - 1
    JP Morgan - 1
    Andrew Carnagie - 1
    John D Rockefeller - 1
    Cesar Chavez - 1
    Jesus Christ - 1
    Edgar Allan Poe - 1
    Jon Stewart - 1
    Hellen Keller - 1
    George Walker Bush - 1
    MacGyver - 1
    James T Kirk - 1
    John "Hannibal" Smith - 1
    Ann Coulter - 1
    Nathan Bedford Forrest - 1
    Thomas DeLay - 1
    Steven Jobs - 1
    John Holt - 1
    Betty Friedan - 1
    Susan B Anthony - 1
    Duke Ellington - 1
    Andrew WK - 1
    Bill Gates - 1
    Bill Clinton - 1
    Johnny Cash - 1
    Michael Jackson - 1
    Rodney King - 1
    Drew Carey - 1
    Angelina Jolie - 1

    Voila! There it is--the 25 greatest Americans (with some ties.)

    revised 1 - most mistakes corrected
    Last edited by mrmitchell; May 1, 2005, 21:13.
    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


    • When was Mark Twain President?


      • I also find it interesting that he was a founding father, given that he was born 60 years after the American revolution...
        12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
        Stadtluft Macht Frei
        Killing it is the new killing it
        Ultima Ratio Regum


        • and he's not sure if Franklin was president.


          • Alexander Hamilton was never president, but he was the secretary of the treasury


            • where's my vote for Bill Gates?


              • Don't forget:

                10. Richard Feynmann, Author. 3 votes

                mitch, why don't you describe the rest of the guys for us?
                "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                • Not bad. But MLK #1 is hard to accept. The real cause for racial equality in America was

                  1) WWII; and

                  2) Brown v. Board of Education.

                  Earl Warren, in other words.


                  • I would have had Benedict Arnold as #1, but there's no accounting for taste.

                    Only feebs vote.


                    • I note that three in my list are not even counted (Rockefeller, Carnegie, and JP Morgan). Whatta shock.


                      • Corrected, even for whiny people
                        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                        • Comment

                          • and the HONORABLE MENTION

                            goes to:

                            TED STRIKER
                            meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                            • Originally posted by mrmitchell
                              and the HONORABLE MENTION

                              goes to:

                              TED STRIKER
                              We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

