Originally posted by Adagio
When on vacation I prefer places where it's always nice hot outside. My 3 best vacations I ever was on, was twice to Italy and once to Lanzarote (The Canary Islands)
When on vacation I prefer places where it's always nice hot outside. My 3 best vacations I ever was on, was twice to Italy and once to Lanzarote (The Canary Islands)
most often I vacation in the southwest. I love the southwest U.S. It's what I call home. I never felt comfortable on the east coast. Believe it or not, this is one reason I left the military. I know it sounds like a silly reason to give up potential pension and retirement benefits...
I feel a spiritual connection to the land. I know this seems silly. I'm not into that new age mumbo jumbo. Vortexes are a load of bull****, I don't believe in any of that crap. Most people consider the land barren. That's okay. That means less of them making noise and polluting everything. Believe it or not, I can go into areas where there is no litter whatsoever. Not even ancient native american litter- damn litter bugs . this is amazing, as americans are notorious litterbugs.