1. I might be stuck in 2 years ago. And might not always be aware that people change. I always think of BD as that young little scamp following Jezenka for instance.
2. (Segue) Don't you think you can get impressions of people from their posts?
2. (Segue) Don't you think you can get impressions of people from their posts?
Adolescents are generally pompous asses, and I know that I wasn't an exception. I haven't seen you much, so I don't know how up to date your impression of me is.
3. I was not gigging you for having expressed a high rating of your smarts. I haven't seen you do that recently, nor would it really bother me. I guess I'm looking at something different from smarts (maybe wisdom in the D&D sense). It was more speaking out towards the tendancy to ridicule the important things in life, the noble concepts, and yes, the noble country. first people accept pabalum from their teachers, then they question it. Then they realize that some things are really very important. CS Lewis's THE ABOLITION OF MAN is kind of behind some of my thinking here. I just read this.
To clarify, the "bomb Pearl Harbor" comment was a reference to a South Park parody of Pokemon, where the toys are vehicles for incitement of Americans to bomb Pearl Harbor. Boshko posted a pic of Hello Kitty with a gun, apparently a reference to some Koreans' view of Hello Kitty as representative of Japanese conquest, hence the comment. So it was a knock on Japanese toy industry and consumerism around the world, not exactly the "noble concepts."
I don't think I knock what are traditionally the "noble concepts." Ideas of freedom and democracy are literally the basis for my system of morality. As for the "noble country," the problem is that the community gets confused with the state. And the criticism of the latter gets turned into criticism of the former.
I'm not exactly a fan of Lewis. Objectivism is bunk. Moral relativism is needlessly conflated with amorality.