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Took the plunge, Asher--this better be worth it.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
    Fez: He must have sat his fat ass on it as well or something, because I've dropped my iPod from standing height onto concrete and it continued to work perfectly.
    People like you should be banned from using portable electronics.

    The 4G iPods use the same HD supplier as the Zens have always used -- Seagate builds durable drives.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #17
      I talked myself into that one . I love my iPod. Great interface and design with great sound quality, AND I got it for only a small amount more than the 20 GB Zen Touches were selling for at the time (about $270).

      Btw, I see you didn't acknowledge that I proved you were full of ****... like usual.
      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


      • #18
        The Ipod has neither great interace nor does it have great sound quality. How the hell can you support the fact that the ipod has great sound quality? It sucks compared to the Creative..

        I'm full of ****? ****.. his ipod was in pieces and he sent me a photo of it too...
        For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


        • #19
          Originally posted by Giancarlo
          The Ipod has neither great interace nor does it have great sound quality. How the hell can you support the fact that the ipod has great sound quality? It sucks compared to the Creative..

          I'm full of ****? ****.. his ipod was in pieces and he sent me a photo of it too...
          Please make it stop...
          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • #20
            I'm still waiting for a 20 GB flash player.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Oerdin
              I'm still waiting for a 20 GB flash player.
              Flash will be outdated by the time those capacities become reasonable.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #22
                Apparently the Zen Micro 4GB is now all of $179...

                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • #23
                  Ipods do not have "great" sound quality. Adequate, perhaps. I borrowed my roommate's Ipod for a time, and the difference between that and my CD player was very, very noticeable (I even used the same headphones).

                  Creative's players are consistently rated among the the highest for sound quality. No audible difference between it and premium CD players, according to several reviews I've read.
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Asher
                    Apparently the Zen Micro 4GB is now all of $179...

                    That's really sweet.. in my price range..

                    But I still love my old portable CD player...
                    For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Asher
                      Please make it stop...
                      I thought you enjoyed Fez baiting .

                      Hey, Fez, the signal to noise ratio isn't a wide gulf here. I bet you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference (I know I can't, and I've listened to both). I'm willing to accept the Zen Touch has a better SNR, but I have no idea just by listening to it. Maybe it's easier to tell with classical, I dunno.

                      And the interface is great. Simple, elegant, clear. What else do you need in an interface?
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • #26
                        Creative makes some fine products. My problem is I like the reliability and small size of the flash players but I want the capacity of the hard-disk players.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #27
                          Creative's players are consistently rated among the the highest for sound quality. No audible difference between it and premium CD players, according to several reviews I've read.

                          IIRC, Asher stated that Zen Touch's have a 96 SnR while the iPod have a 92 SnR (right, Asher?). That's not a whole Hell of lot there.
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • #28
                            I like my Sony Clie that has a MP3 player built in.. that's adequate for me. I wouldn't rather wasting my money on an Ipod, like you did Imran. But hey to each his own....
                            For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Asher
                              Please make it stop...

                              I would ask for those pics, but I fear he saves those pics in the same folder with his nudie shots.
                              Tutto nel mondo è burla


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                                I thought you enjoyed Fez baiting .

                                Hey, Fez, the signal to noise ratio isn't a wide gulf here.
                                92dB to 98dB is huge on a logarithmic scale (to be clear for the arts students 100 is twice as clear (half the noise per signal) than 90 is)). It's not just that measurement, it's every other one I can think of...THD, stereo crosstalk, etc.

                                Creative uses a chip made by Yamaha, and Apple uses one from a company called "PortalPlayer". Is it any wonder that one of those companies can design higher quality audio components?
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

