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Final Fantasy Creator Gets Assimilated...

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  • Final Fantasy Creator Gets Assimilated...

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    REDMOND, Wash. - Feb. 24, 2005 - Microsoft Corp. today announced that Hironobu Sakaguchi, video game legend and president of Mistwalker game studio, has joined with Microsoft® Game Studios to develop role-playing game (RPG) video games exclusively for the next-generation Xbox® video game platform. Sakaguchi is best known as the creator of the "Final Fantasy" franchise, which has sold more than 60 million units worldwide, and was executive vice president in charge of game development at Square Enix Co. Ltd. until February 2001.

    Citing a shared vision with Microsoft for the next generation of video games, Sakaguchi will lead the creation of two upcoming Xbox-exclusive RPG titles to be published by Microsoft Game Studios.

    "Sakaguchi-san has taken role-playing games - traditionally a niche market - and introduced them to a broad and diverse audience across the globe," said Peter Moore, corporate vice president of Worldwide Marketing and Publishing at Microsoft. "We are ecstatic to work with Sakaguchi-san and celebrate what this news means not only for Xbox, but for gamers worldwide."

    "I'm excited about the two epic game titles we will be developing," Sakaguchi said. "A number of talented creators have signed on to help develop these games, and I'm confident we will be able to create games that provide gamers with a new kind of thrill.

    "Microsoft's cutting-edge technologies in the next-generation platform will allow me to bring to life an array of ideas that I have had for many years," Sakaguchi said. "I want these games to be alive with a new vision for gaming and vividly depict new characters that will transcend the game, find a place in the hearts of gamers, and make time spent with my games a fond and long-lasting memory."

    Sakaguchi started his career at Square Co. Ltd. in 1986 as director of planning and development. He was promoted to executive vice president in 1991 and eventually ascended to president of Square LA Inc. (now Square USA Inc.) in 1995. In 2000, Sakaguchi was inducted into the coveted Academy of Interactive Arts & Science (AIAS) Hall of Fame for his groundbreaking work on the "Final Fantasy" series. In 2004, Sakaguchi announced that he had started his own development studio, called Mistwalker.

    Would this actually make the Xbox2 relevant in the increasingly irrelevant Japanese market?
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

  • #2
    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


    • #3
      Beat you to it

      Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


      • #4
        exclusive games

        what games have Mistwalker made?


        • #5
          The last several FF games were dreadful. Hopefully for X-Box's sake, this guy has better ideas with them.

          FF I-VII- (more or less, II sucked ass)

          (noting I haven't played XI)


          • #6
            Indeed. FFX was a computer-graphic movie with no plot, btw FFXII and XIII are already on process
            I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

            Asher on molly bloom


            • #7
              asleep: Actually, Sakiguchi hasn't done all that much at Square lately. The last game he really was important on was FF5, which was kind was definitely the least of the SNES Final Fantasies. Sure, he was listed as the executive producer on everything, but that was more for tradition's sake. I think he had some input on FF8, but not a lot. The last thing he really extensively sunk his claws into was the miserable FF: Spirits Within movie, which sunk his stock at Square, so that's why he's moving elsewhere- they won't let him do anything any more with them, and his name still has some power.

              That said, FFX is an awesome game, don't knock it. I say that as a fan of the old-school games as well.

              As for whether this will help the XBox 2, it's a mystery- we don't know how good Mist Walker is. Also, Asher, you delude yourself if you think that RPGs are only important in the Japanese market nowadays. American sales for 'em have been quite strong for some time now; this'll help the XBox2 compete with the PS3 in America as well.
              All syllogisms have three parts.
              Therefore this is not a syllogism.


              • #8
                I played Final Fantasy III (VI) fanatically, and played about 3/4 of FFVII and FFVIII, but that was the last I touched the series. Hopefully he'll have some great ideas to help drive Xbox2 to it's destined place as Overlord of the World.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SnowFire
                  asleep: Actually, Sakiguchi hasn't done all that much at Square lately. The last game he really was important on was FF5, which was kind was definitely the least of the SNES Final Fantasies. Sure, he was listed as the executive producer on everything, but that was more for tradition's sake. I think he had some input on FF8, but not a lot. The last thing he really extensively sunk his claws into was the miserable FF: Spirits Within movie, which sunk his stock at Square, so that's why he's moving elsewhere- they won't let him do anything any more with them, and his name still has some power.

                  That said, FFX is an awesome game, don't knock it. I say that as a fan of the old-school games as well.

                  As for whether this will help the XBox 2, it's a mystery- we don't know how good Mist Walker is. Also, Asher, you delude yourself if you think that RPGs are only important in the Japanese market nowadays. American sales for 'em have been quite strong for some time now; this'll help the XBox2 compete with the PS3 in America as well.
                  ffv was my favorite of the series

                  FFX was just too much cinema for me, not enough action. I couldn't get into it. And I didn't like the sphere system one bit.


                  • #10

                    all FF games after FF6:


                    • #11
                      Final Fantasy is boring.

                      But hopefully something ok will ruboff from this guy.

                      On the subject of FF.

                      WTF was up with X(I think its the one where you fight Sin)?

                      It seemed like they were trying wayyyyy too hard to be creative with the clothes, by giving them one leg with pants, and the other with skirts. Annoying
                      Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                      Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                      • #12
                        This would be good news for microsoft if it happened 10 years ago and they where developing games for nintendo systems.
                        Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                        Do It Ourselves

