Originally posted by Oerdin
The ues of external force also allowed South Korea to remain free of North Korea while the threat of external force is the only reason Taiwan is still free. True both Taiwan and South Korea took a few decades to mature but they are now fully functioning democracies with all the modern protections which go along with it.
The ues of external force also allowed South Korea to remain free of North Korea while the threat of external force is the only reason Taiwan is still free. True both Taiwan and South Korea took a few decades to mature but they are now fully functioning democracies with all the modern protections which go along with it.
Uhm, to "remain free" one would have had to have been free in the first place. Korea only became mostly democratic in the 90s, and is still quite thuggish today. The same goes for Taiwan. The force applied by the West was to defend brutal dicatorships of the worst kind.
BTW China has forcably exported communism in the past decades before Iraq. North Korea exists today solely because the communist Chinese started a war there
Exporting communism means spreading it someplace it did not already exist. In the case of Korea, China did not export communism, but defended a regime that was already there. In fact, if anyone exported anything, it was the United States, who occupied the South in 1945, and overthrew the Communist government there which had been established when Japan fell.
As for the Korean War, the fact is, both sides had been raiding and skimishing, and there was more or less a state of hostilities on both sides of the border. On the first day of the war, South Korea reported taking a North Vietnamese city, and there's some reason to believe the war started as a RoK border incursion which the DPRK escalated into a full blown war.
North Vietnam would have lost the war in 1968 or 1969 had nearly the entire north Vietnamese war effort been backed by China & the USSR.
Again, Communism already existed in Vietnam. This was not a case of exporting ideology as defending it from U.S. attack. In the case of South Vietnam, elections were canceled and the people of South Vietnam revolted. Had the United States not invaded the country, the war would have ended in the mid 60s with the Viet Cong taking power, instead of being put off another decade and needing the NVA to finish the liberation of Vietnam.
Communist revolution has been exported, however: Eastern Europe, Mongolia, Tibet. Most revolutions, however, are indigenous, and not spawned in the depths of the KGB, regardless of what Washington would have us believe.