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Ctp2 Multiplayer Conexion Pppoe

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  • #31
    Locutus, you know if a CTP3 is possible? I like but the CTP that CIV. The combats are better in CTP.

    You can practice when you want in Spanish, that it does not matter to you to commit errors. We will help you.
    El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en la belleza de sus sueños.
    - Eleanor Roosevelt


    • #32
      Gracias a todos, había pasado por alto intentar con el servidor de nlalink (que pelotudo). De todas maneras sería interesante conseguir jugar por VPN, creo que es una buena manera de no depender de los servidores de juegos.

      Thanks to all, had ignored to try with the servant of nlalink. Of all ways he would be interesting to be able to play by VPN, I believe that it is a good way of not depending of the game servers.


      • #33
        Muchos gracias por ofertas ayudar a mí a estudiar español

        But for now I need to do more studying first (as you may have noticed ). I still have half a dozen chapters on grammar to go through and my vocubulary needs serious work as well. But I'll remember this place when I've learnt it well enough to start practicing conversations

        Locutus, you know if a CTP3 is possible?
        Well, it's entirely possible, just not very likely Activision gave up all support on the series after it became clear that CtP2 was a huge financial failure (almost bankrupted the company ). They've made clear that they don't want to burn their hands on that series again

        But if you play CtP2 + mods, that gives is pretty much the same effect as playing CtP3 though You should give it a try some time
        Last edited by Locutus; January 14, 2003, 12:28.
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #34
          Gracias, Locutus.

          It is one hurts the of CTP.
          El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en la belleza de sus sueños.
          - Eleanor Roosevelt

