En el caso de que nos caiga ese pedrusco todas las predicciones de la página ná de náyo debo morir de una explosión de gás para el 2020, creo que compraré una cocina eléctrica... por si acaso...
No announcement yet.
El dia de mi muerte...
He leÃdo hoy en La Vanguardia que no estaremos preparados para destruir un meteorito que se aproxime a la Tierra hasta dentro de, al menos, 30 años. No puedo creérmelo, ¿pero es que esta gente no va al cine? ¿Tan difÃcil es llamar a un perforador y que se lleve a seis boy scouts a poner una bomba nuclear en la piedra? We need a hero. Come, Bruce Willis!
Memorable quotes from Armageddon:
"Come on! You're NASA for Christ's sake! You're the ones who come up with this ****! Why I bet you have a bunch of guys sitting around somewhere right now just thinking **** up, and somebody backing them up. What's your contingency plan?"
"Our contingency plan?"
"Yeah, your back up plan. You've gotta have a back up plan"
"No, we don't have a back up plan"
"The fate of the planet is in the hands of a bunch of retards I wouldn't trust with a potato gun"
"The United States Government just asked us to save the world. Anyone wanna say no?"
"20 years, I've never let you down before. I'm there"
"We didn't see this thing coming?"
"Well, our object collision budget allows us to track about 3% of the sky, and begging your pardon, but that's a big-ass sky"
"Houston, you have a problem"
"American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!"