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Bonaparte II PBEM Playtest

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  • #16
    John moved for me first turn! And he says "I didn't do much" (as if attacking France at this time isn't "much")


    • #17
      for Shaka Naldur

      It means something like this:

      "She's ugly as hell and has got a devillishly big mouth".

      What a guy!
      "Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)


      • #18
        Re: for Shaka Naldur

        Originally posted by Rattus_Norvegicus
        "She's ugly as hell and has got a devillishly big mouth".

        Originally posted by Rattus_Norvegicus
        What a guy!
        what a girl!


        • #19
          Austro-French war

          Guys, guys! I didna do it!

          Seriously, I tried to do as little as possible as the Austrians, and certainly did not attack France. Although it is POSSIBLE I forgot to Crtl-N to stop any more movement, I don't think I did. I will reload my savegame and see. If I did, my apologies, T.E.L.

          Austria ALWAYS declares war on France move 1 when both are played by an AI. I supspect Austria did this during France's turn, as French and Austrian units start off side by side.

          If you and Chris want to make up, it is in your power to do so. I suspect the Corsican is itching for war, though, and this was a heaven-sent opportunity!

          Remember, this is a playtest, so why not be bold? I want to see if the game breaks, or if any side is too strong or too weak. Most of us should go to war with SOMEONE! And do it soon....

          Chris, the French would say "Vive l'Empereur!", I think...


          • #20
            In which case, the French will be marched to Paris on their own speed by the mighty Austrian armies!


            • #21
              The Austerlitz campaign, 2 years early...

              Originally posted by El Awrence
              In which case, the French will be marched to Paris on their own speed by the mighty Austrian armies!
              Not big on French history, eh Martin?


              La France est destinée pour régner le monde.

              Vive Napoleon!
              I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
              i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


              • #22
                Quiet you rough croaking frog! Austria will kick your green bottom back to blighty!


                • #23
                  Nice to see you two getting into the spirit of the thing!


                  L'Europe? Peut-etre. Le monde - jamais! Les Bifstecks allez vous montrer vos limites....


                  • #24
                    I´m having a few problems with the game,

                    if you skip my turn that´s ok, I don´t think that I´ll be able to play until monday night or monday.
                    Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                    Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                    • #25
                      Missed turn

                      Chris and Shaka, please email me the game and I will take the Spanish turn.



                      • #26

                        Please post that turn...


                        • #27
                          Spanish Move

                          The Spanish have moved, and carefully restrained themselves from attacking anybody or any other diplomatic initiatives.

                          By the way, I have noticed that I have forgotten to give the Spanish a merchant Navy! This has been fixed on my development version, but you will have to build your merchantmen from scratch, Shaka. Sorry! Maybe the British Parliament will vote you a subsidy to make up for it.....

                          Move posted to Vegard for the Swedes.


                          • #28
                            Swedish Move


                            On behalf of His Royal Highness King Gustaf IV Adolf of Sweden, we wish to inform You of the following:

                            The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway opened hostilities against our forces at the border this month. Swedish Armies have started a counter-offensive in order to repell the treacherous Danes from Swedish soil. The Swedish naval forces also take part in this campaign, and has started to cleanse the Kattegat Sea of Danish vessels of war.
                            In northern Germany, the principality of Mecklenburg joined forces with Denmark. As a consequense of this betrayal, the Mecklenburgian Army was attacked and defeated by the Army of Swedish Pomerania. The city of Rostock has been annexed by our victorious forces.

                            Baron Gustaf Mauritz "Le Beau Suéde" Armfeldt

                            Move posted to John and Great Britain.
                            "Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)


                            • #29
                              Brits move

                              Naval actions

                              In the channel, various French invasion craft sunk by British Frigates from the Dover and Portsmouth squadrons. The Hanoverian navy has reported some French commerce raiders sunk of Hamburg.

                              In the Mediterranean, HM Frigate Intrepid has raided a convoy of Bomb Ketches off Barcelona, and caused great destruction.

                              French casualties: One Bomb Ketch, One Brig, One set of Invasion Barges.
                              British casualties: None.

                              The British Parliament has voted the Spanish Government a subsidy of £350,000 sterling, and assured the Spanish people of their good wishes.

                              Aside from that, not much news from the shopkeepers....

                              Game mailed to Henrik and his Prussians


                              • #30
                                War and Unusual Alliances...

                                Alliance formed with Russia!
                                To protect itself from the rapidly escalating turmoil in europe the nations of Russia and Prussia has signed Lublin-L'vov treaty, effectively allying them with eachother.
                                It is not known which objectives or long term goals that the treaty has set up, as most of the clauses remain secret to the public.

                                France declares war!
                                Although it is not known what lead to this event, it is generaly rumoured that the nations of Prussia and France are at war.
                                These rumours remains unconfirmed by official authorities...

                                Sweden ignores Prussian enovys, diplomatic incident underway!
                                Several envoys, having been sent to Stockholm are said to have been waiting for almost a year now.
                                The prussian foreign minister said earlier today that if they aren't granted audiance soon, this will be considered a grave insult on the Prussian nation.

                                *Turn played and sent*

                                [edit]Oooops, accidently posted the game, thats been fixed now [/edit]
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

