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What is your Civ2's style of playing?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by alf
    -Setlers, they must buid citys or irrigations at the beginning?
    Ciudades! More cities early means fast growth, more gold, more science. Irrigate later. Build a defender first, then a settler.
    Originally posted by alf
    -I must excahnge knowlledge wiht other civs?
    Si! If others have more technology, your research costs fewer beakers. Let the AI help with research, then trade techs. There are many techs to give that don't hurt you - for example, bridge building or pottery. Laugh at them if they want gunpowder.
    Originally posted by alf
    -What "marvels" I must build?
    It depends on your style of play and difficulty level. At emperor or deity, Michaelangelo's Chapel is a must if you have many cities.
    Originally posted by alf
    -The first settler must to move or buid inmedastly the fisrt city?
    If he is on a bad location, walk for a few turns to find a river or special, preferably both. Don't wait until past 3600bc, tho.
    The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

    The gift of speech is given to many,
    intelligence to few.


    • #17
      Thanks sodaq you are very very good "tio" and you know very much of civ
      El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz


      • #18
        There are some of my opinions

        Originally posted by alf
        Mi dubts:
        -Setlers, they must buid citys or irrigations at the beginning?
        I prefer, normally, build citys if they don't overlap...

        -I must excahnge knowlledge wiht other civs?
        Except Monarchy...

        -What "marvels" I must build?
        I love Pyramids, but, my favourites are Leonardo's Workshop and Miguel Angel's one.

        -I good open "citys abandonateds"?
        I don't understand...

        -What percentage for "luxury"(?) es the best?
        0% until Republic, where I normally set 20%

        -The first settler must to move or buid inmedastly the fisrt city?
        If the start's position is good, build; else, move but not more than 2 or 3 turns.

        -What is better, warrior or culture?
        Culture, in my opinion.

        And more, more...
        Tell us, tell us...
        Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


        • #19
          Originally posted by Marquis de Sodaq

          No es importante!? The attack and defense strengths of each veteran are multiplied x1.5, no small difference! That said, I almost never build barracks. I'm not sure why, but I prefer to have my units earn the status.
          Well, I build it in the last times, in the XVIII-XX age, when I start go to war.

          Your english is much better than my mastery of spanish...
          You are too generous...

          first order of the kingdom is to build the colossus and research monarchy
          Colossus? Why? I don't use it often...
          Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


          • #20
            Originally posted by alf
            -Setlers, they must buid citys or irrigations at the beginning?
            IMHO (en mi humilde opinión)
            cities (and roads, I always try to connect my cities, in case of attack I can quickly send reinforcements)

            Originally posted by alf
            -I must excahnge knowlledge wiht other civs?
            I never do that, steal them if needed.

            Originally posted by alf
            -What "marvels" I must build?
            Leonardo's Workshop is essential, others are quite helpful, it depends.

            Originally posted by alf
            -I good open "citys abandonateds"?
            do not abuse, but do it

            Originally posted by alf
            -What percentage for "luxury"(?) es the best?
            0, zero, science at the maximum

            Originally posted by alf
            -What is better, warrior or culture?
            And more, more...
            ¿mande? ambas!

            Originally posted by alf
            -The first settler must to move or buid inmedastly the fisrt city?

            PS: This is only my personal opnion, it's the way I manage to win in deity level


            • #21
              Originally posted by yaroslav
              Colossus? Why? I don't use it often...
              That city gets almost double the trade arrows. With trade specials (spice, wine, silk, etc) you have a good place for a Super Science City. Build Colossus, Copernicus' Observatory, and Sir I. Newton's College, a library, and university in the same city. With 3 trade routes, that city alone can produce 1000+ science beakers every turn!
              The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

              The gift of speech is given to many,
              intelligence to few.


              • #22
                I don't like Colossus. None of my cities are past Size 3 until after I've got quite a frw and I only build Aqueducts when I have a happy wonder. I'd rather build Pyramids. I never build granaries and always try to get Pyramids (but I only play on Emperor, maybe I wouldn't want pyramids if I was on Deity).

                Luxury - 0% until Republic when I usually go 40tax-40sci-20lux.
                I refute it thus!
                "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                • #23
                  I prefere Leonardo and Smith.
                  I love spy for buy city the other civs... from ship, if is posible
                  El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Marquis de Sodaq

                    That city gets almost double the trade arrows. With trade specials (spice, wine, silk, etc) you have a good place for a Super Science City. Build Colossus, Copernicus' Observatory, and Sir I. Newton's College, a library, and university in the same city. With 3 trade routes, that city alone can produce 1000+ science beakers every turn!
                    I like to have a Super Science city in my games. I don't know why, but most of the times, that city is the second or third I've founded, not the capital.
                    "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                    - Spiro T. Agnew


                    • #25
                      The citizens.... your behavior is the same in all of citys?
                      El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz


                      • #26
                        In the beginning my cities produce all at first a settler, then a defence unit (or vice versa if danger ahead), the settler then founds a city. The third unit is generally a settler again who makes irrigation/roads. One or two cities produce units to explore and find goody huts, maybe to destroy a Civ nearby.
                        The first wonder I hunt for are the pyramids, then maybe Hanging Gardens and later the big churches. Almost can't play without them. The first improvements are generally temples, then libraries (in the center) or barracks (in the front-cities).
                        In the tech tree I always go for Monarchy and Philosophy as fast as possible, I hate it, when someone else gets the bonus-tech
                        I generally don't make attacks on Civs unless I feel powerful enough to destroy them right-ahead, I hate unfinished jobs. If I conquered a city, I probably can't hold forever, I try to starve them until there's only as much pop. as I have units inside
                        "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
                        "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.

