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Some screenshot!

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  • Some screenshot!

    I have added one screenshot of my new scenario about Spanish Armada. "London has fallen to Spanish tercios"

    I have mostly worked in graphics, units and cities are almost finished, I am working in people, and soon I will start the events.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Did the Big Ben really exist back then???
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • #3
      It looks very good! Do you have an anticipated completion date?
      The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

      The gift of speech is given to many,
      intelligence to few.


      • #4
        Hi KINDAL!

        This is a topic I'd always wanted to see a scenario about! I read a lot about the Armada and elizabeth/philip II years ago, and it is really a great story, with many interesting possibilities. I'll probably have many suggestions, so if you want some more, just let me know.

        What kind of map are you using? -I hope one with lots of sea, with a really big english channel for all the naval maneuvres. It depends, however, on your approach of course. From your screenshot I can see, that the spanish will actually face the landing of the fleet on english territory...

        Humble list of suggestions, so far (I'll list them anyway) :

        -Duke of Parma and spanish troops in the netherlands a tribe for themselves (allied to the spanish), which will make the rendezvous with parmas troops very difficult. Once they meet, an event could create parmas reinforcements as spanish troops, to be ferried over.

        -very weak english land forces, which will make a land campaign very easy on part of the spanish, if they manage to land their troops. and a small, but strong and maneuverable english navy, to simulate the advantage in knowing the channel much better than the spanish.

        -both english, spanish as well as parma playable!!

        OK, that's it for now! Looking forward to seeing/hearing more about this!

        See ya around...
        The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
        Kaplak Stream


        • #5
          Henrik, well there is a lo of theories about the building of Big Ben one is that it is celt monument...ok, ok I only put it because look very English when I think another important building of London I wil change it (ideas welcomed!!).

          Marquis , no I have no idea. Still, I haven´t made the hardest work events and a playtesting by myself. I have all the ideas but when you start to play, you starting to see errors, and a naval scenario will give me a lot of problems...


          • #6
            Hi Morten!!!! I am happy to see you in the Spanish forum, I hope you became a usual of it, we open a lot of threads about civ2 and history, your favourites

            Duke of Parma and spanish troops in the netherlands a tribe for themselves (allied to the spanish), which will make the rendezvous with parmas troops very difficult.
            I have thought something like this, I will made two versions, the FW´s one will have two playable civilizations by the human player (as in Nemos second front), The Armada and Farnesios troops. In MGE I believe that only a Spanish one.

            -both english, spanish as well as parma playable!!
            Well, English won´t be playable in the FW and MGE version, only Spanish, but could be that I made a future expasion of the scenario where English could play too.


            • #7
              one more screenshot

              This could be the combat of Gravelines, where English Fireships forced to the Armada to take away from Flemish coasts.

              (don´t worry it is only a screenshot, in the scenario you would have more ships )

              Thanks to BeBro who has made the ships specially for this scenario.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Tiene una pinta cojonuda!!!

                Las ciudades y casitas cada vez se te dan mejor, a lo mejor tenías que haberte dedicado a arquitecto, tío...
                "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                - Spiro T. Agnew


                • #9
                  No uses el Big Ben, usa las Houses of Parliament.


                  • #10
                    Muy buena pinta, kIndal... ¿Piensas incluir los fenómenos atmosféricos (que realmente estropearon mucho la armada) de alguna manera? Supongo que es muy difícil...
                    Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Fiera, arquitecto no, mejor constructor que ganan mas

                        El, esa es la idea pero como todavia no la he hecho (estas son las de Blitz de Nemo) pues he puesta esta misma para dar un poco de color al asunto, ya pondre un event que diga algo asi copmo: "Las señorias inglesas salieron huyendo como señoritas cuando un egregio alferez español abrio las puertas del parlamento de un arcabuzazo" jejejeje....

                        Lo de los fenomenos atmosfericos la verdad es que no lo veo nada claro, ademas el escenario empieza en el canal de la Mancha y acaba huyendo de Gravelinas o en la conquista de Londres asi que realmente en el canal no hbo asi ninguna tormenta que nos jodiera realmente.

                        Te ha gustao er smilie en Güaku


                        • #13
                          Yo tambien, yo tambien!

                          Yo creo que los fenomenos atmosfericos deberian aparecer de algun modo. Cierto o no, es lo que mas se recuerda de todo ese asunto.

                          Has empezado ya con el asunto de la 'jugabilidad'?


                          • #14
                            Yo la unica incidencia sobre los fenomenos atmosfericos que queria plasmar es que al empezar el escenario en Cabo Lagarto (Cape Lizard) hubiera un event que hiciera un resumen de los problemas del viaje, y luego que algunos barcos no estuvieran al tope de energia por culpa de la tormenta, es que creo que es una tonteria poner unidades de tormenta porque realmente en la travesia del canal no influyeron para nada, bueno siempre las podria incluir pero solo por cuestions esteticas, y que no hicieran nada, una unidad paseandose vamos...

                            No todavia no he empezao, todavia estoy con los graficos.De hecho, en la jugabilidad van a estar los principales problemas pero bueno nada que un poco de imaginacion no pueda remediar Lo bueno es que digamos que lo tengo casi todo terminao sobre le papel, ahora me toca terminarlo sobre el ordenador.


                            • #15
                              Vaya, tiene una pinta muy buena los barcos.
                              Los brulotes(?) ingleses esos están magníficamente diseñados, supongo que como los kamikazes cuando peleen mueren tras la lucha ganen o pierdan...
                              El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz

