Which ones will be the most remembred leaders of South America. Saint or Evil...
From Chile I have to put on the list:
1. O'Higgins our great first Supreme Governor.
2. The Carrera Brothers, who fought with General OHiggins in the Independece War.
3. President Alessandri who start the reforms that brings Chile out from the under development.
4. President Salvador Allende. A conflictive man. The first comunist free elected on the western hemisphere. He nationalize the Copper Chilean Industry, but also destroy the economy with his "people´s reforms".
5. Supreme Chief of the Nation General Augusto Pinochet. Save us from a comunist totalitarian state and save the chilean economy. However under his regime 3.000 chileans dies or dissapear.
6. Chilean President... great leader
From Chile I have to put on the list:
1. O'Higgins our great first Supreme Governor.
2. The Carrera Brothers, who fought with General OHiggins in the Independece War.
3. President Alessandri who start the reforms that brings Chile out from the under development.
4. President Salvador Allende. A conflictive man. The first comunist free elected on the western hemisphere. He nationalize the Copper Chilean Industry, but also destroy the economy with his "people´s reforms".
5. Supreme Chief of the Nation General Augusto Pinochet. Save us from a comunist totalitarian state and save the chilean economy. However under his regime 3.000 chileans dies or dissapear.
6. Chilean President... great leader