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A profile for the unofficial spanish civ

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  • A profile for the unofficial spanish civ

    Now that we are resignated to the infamous and unbelieveble decission of Firaxis of excluding the Spanish civilization from the 16 pre-set civs in Civilization 3, considering that probably there will be a chance to customize your civ, what attributes do you think spanish civ should have? (See list of civ3 attributes here: ). My option is:

    EXPANSIONIST: Its clear that Spain has had one the largest empires ever.

    RELIGIOUS: The spanish empire was devoted to the defense of catholicism against protestant reformist and to the conversion of the new world. Don´t forget the Spanish Inquisition.

  • #2
    Nobody expectst the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise and fear... our TWO chief weapons are surprise and fear, YES! Fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency! No, bugger, amongst our weapons are... No... Our main weapons consist of fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!


    • #3
      Originally posted by El Awrence
      devotion to the Pope!
      Yeah!!! devoción al papa y a las papas aliñás

      Expansionist & Religious is OK with me.
      BTW bienvenido al foro Alfonso.


      • #4
        Devoción a Santiago! A ellos, por Santiago y EspaÑa!

        PD: Bienvenido al grupo, Alfonso (si no recuerdo mal hablamos un poco por email, no?).
        "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
        - Spiro T. Agnew


        • #5
          Originally posted by Fiera
          A ellos, por Santiago y EspaÑa!
          Lo conseguiste!!!! Ahora prueba también con ALT+164


          • #6
            Bueno, yo de momento paso total de Civ3, asi que creo que no puedo opinar aqui.

            Alfonsus, ya se que eres manchego, pero no recuerdo de que town. Dime plis, es para el Apolyton Hispanica Location list


            • #7
              and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!

              My Spanish history's a bit rusty, but didn't you guys play a role in that three popes farce?
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #8
                Considering that nobody here disagree from the EXPANSIONIST/ RELIGIOUS character of the spanish civilization, I propose to continue (or begin) discussion about what spanish LEADERS should be in our custom spanish civ, spanish GENERALS names to be included in a game if possible, and the most amazing one : the spanish SPECIAL UNIT (someone will have to draw....):

                Male: Philip II. No doubt was the most representative.
                Female: Elizabeth I. The unificator and catholic queen.


                Ancient: Viriato.
                Middle: Gonzalo Fernandez (Great Captain), Hernan Cortés, Alejandro Farnesio.
                Modern: Gálvez (Governor of spanish Lousiana), Castaños.

                Navy: Juan de Austria, Churruca, Pascual Cervera.

                SPECIAL UNIT:

                Tercio: A mix of pikemen an harquebussiers, with the firepower of an early musketeer unit and special bonus against cavalry attacks.


                • #9
                  Navy, Blas de Lezo, hands down


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Alfonsus71
                    Middle: Gonzalo Fernandez (Great Captain), Hernan Cortés, Alejandro Farnesio.
                    I think El Cid is a must. And Pizarro!

                    The Tercio as special unit seems just about right to me, though the Caravel could be a very interesting special sea unit, just seeing how the Portuguese aren't going to be in either...

                    Edit: or how about a Galleon, to depict la Flota de Indias? Maybe a high cargo capacity plus a high defensive bonus?
                    "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                    - Spiro T. Agnew


                    • #11
                      How about a bandolero unit? after all Spanish invented the Guerrilla Warfare.


                      • #12
                        Male: Philip II.
                        Female: Elizabeth I.

                        Ancient: Viriato.
                        Middle: The Cid, Gonzalo Fernandez (Great Captain), Hernan Cortés, Francisco Pizarro, Alejandro Farnesio.
                        Modern: Gálvez (Governor of spanish Lousiana), Castaños.

                        Navy: Juan de Austria, Blas de Lezo, Churruca, Pascual Cervera.

                        SPECIAL UNITS:

                        TERCIO: A mix of pikemen an harquebussiers, with the firepower of an early musketeer unit and special bonus against cavalry attacks.

                        SPANISH GALLEON: High cargo capacity + defensive bonus.

                        GUERRILLERO or BANDOLERO: Ignores ZOC, all as road, low building cost?, no manteinance?.

                        CARAVEL: ?

                        I don´t know if this will be useful, we still don´t know the level of customization that Civ 3 will allow, but it´s funny anyway.

                        Fiera, you were absolutely right in your column "worst fears come true", it´s even worse after the exclusion of our glorious spanish civilization. The only good points I see in civ 3 are the new combat system, with units agruped in armies (but I don´t like the mobilization rules and i still demand recruiting instead of building of military units) and the trade system (I would like to see how can this affect diplomacy in multiplayer games, and if an "autarquic" player could survive).


                        • #13
                          I agree with Philip II and Isabella.

                          Generals, what about, Duke of Alba or Spinola (well, it was Italian) in Middle Ages and in modern ages Weyler (I know this one aren´t very popular but he was a great militar)

                          About special units, Tercio, Bandolero, Galleon are ok and could be too bomber (we were the first ones to bombig from a plane), Legionnarie, Civil Guard or some arabic unit??


                          • #14
                            A spanish civ no, a CASTILLIAN one. All the people that you said in the list of the civ is (basically) castillian. So don't bore me with that. You want a Castillian civ and is great, like is great have an ENGLAND (no "britain") civ!
                            Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by El Awrence
                              Nobody expectst the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise and fear... our TWO chief weapons are surprise and fear, YES! Fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency! No, bugger, amongst our weapons are... No... Our main weapons consist of fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!
                              You just stole that from Chris! And I have the thread to prove it!
                              *grumbles about work*

