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  • civ3

    In some months will appear civ3 but I amnot sure that civ2 become obsolete because the best feature of the game is the scenario creation (for me of course) but I have seen the screenshots of civ3 and looks very difficult to change these graphics to do new ones, so I think this version could be not so important as everybody say and we will still play civ2.
    What do you think?

  • #2
    Yes, I have similar concerns over Civ3... To get started, if you can't make use of more civs than in Civ2 scns, there certainly won't be a quality leap forward in Civ3.

    Right now, Civ2 lack the ability to realistically depict complex historical situations, and that's we like to do, isn't it? Having animations won't help much. I think that the people on this forum won't like Civ3 scns better than the good old Civ ones.
    "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
    - Spiro T. Agnew


    • #3
      I will use Civ2 for several months after Civ 3 has been released, simply becouse I ave to wait for it to be ported for the Mac.
      So when i buy it I will probably know pretty much what I will be getting, since I guess there will be a lot of fuzz about it over here at Apolyton
      Whatever the general conclusion will be I will buy it.
      I do think that perhaps there wont be so many improvements to it, it will be better than Civ 2 in many areas, also for scenario designing, Civ 2 wasn't built to be tweaked for special scenarios, there was just an included ability to change stuff, if you edited the text files, there was a cheat menu made for scenario designing, but it was never intended that you should change the game files or have "events".
      Those things came in later, which is why there are tons of stuff that either:
      • Doesn't work as they are supposed to
      • Is hardcoded
      • Is never explained and is illogicaly placed in menus and such
      • Must still be changed in the original game files

      The new game will be built whit the scenario design thing in mind, a lot of things that where impossible or very hard to change in the original game will be quite easy to change in Civ 3 (for example the leaders faces...).
      Plus the beloved change of support cost from shields to gold and a lot of simmilar changes to game play which will make the game in general and certainly also scenarios a lot more realistic (In your case Jesús think of how big an improvement only the new gold support would be for your thirty years war scenario! Finnaly nations will lose money due to their large armies!).
      Not to mention the ability to use leaders (whit names) to form stacks (or armies that they call them).

      Civ III will be a big improvement, perhaps not as big as it could be (they could do lots of more stuff) but still a very big improvement for scenario designers (and players in general).
      And animated units are not a must, you can use non animated units in scenarios (as Firaxis keep pointing out).

      I do think that people will still play Civ 2, but eventually as whit Civ 1 the new game will take over the large masses (if there isn't some huge bug(s?) in the game that will render it unplayable in which case civ3 probably will be treated as "another" CTP).

      Somehow I ended up defending Civ 3 here...
      Well all that I wrote is true annyway
      Last edited by Henrik; July 4, 2001, 15:28.
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        Voy a constestar en español xq este es un foro en español (im going to answer in spanish coz this is a spanish forum).

        Lo de que las unidades van a ser dificiles de modificar, es mentira. Podes hacer unidades animadas con el 3dstudio max o tamien estaticas como en el civ 2. CIVIII va a ser mucho mas customizable, ya que adquirieron experiencia en estas cosas con el civ2.
        Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


        • #5
          Deja Vu

          Well, it seems as if I've said this somewhere before, but I'll take the risk of repeating it here.

          I loved the Master of Orion space empire game. Enjoyed it immensely. Then I had the opportunity to play MOO II at a friend's house. I played it, but it simply wasn't an imrovement over the original. Better graphics may be flashy, but they don't necessarily make a good game. I never purchased MOO II and I really don't like to play it.

          Unfortuneately, it looks like civ3 is going to have a similar outcome. Hope I'm wrong, but . . .

          Lost in America.
          "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
          "or a very good liar." --Stefu
          "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


          • #6
            Re: Deja Vu

            Hombre pero yo creo que hacer ese tipo de unidades sera mas dificil que las de toda la vida, los programas de retoque fotografico son muy sencillotes pero los otros a mi me parecen que seran lago mas complicaos ademas si unos hacen unidades animadas y otros no, los escenarios con unidades estaticas quedaran algo cutrecillas, ademas realmente del civ2 se puedee cambiar casi completamente todo y algunos bugs o fallitos son utiles.

            Voy a constestar en español xq este es un foro en español
            Bueno esto lo hablamos al principio de que se creara el forum y llegamos al "acuerdo" de que en este foro se habla en los dos idiomas, no es solo un foro unico para hispano hablantes y siempre que en el thread puedan leerlo gente de otros idiomas habalmos en ingles. Es decir, si el thread abierto habal gente que no sabe castellano todos habalmos ingles, y si solo es en castellano, castellano, epro no mezclamos los dos idiomas.
            (joder que rollo te acabo de soltar )


            • #7
              Ok, if that are the rules, ill have to stick to ´em.

              An now, as i saw a new smilie, ill use it:

              WE WANT CIV3 NOW!
              Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


              • #8
                I just want them to improve the concepts of the game not the graphics.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Waku
                  I just want them to improve the concepts of the game not the graphics.
                  ...and a better AI, if possible... . Parole sante, Waku!
                  "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                  "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                  "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                  • #10
                    actually I KNOW that civ3 is not going to have great improvements over civ2

                    do you remember the original civ2, there were any big diferences with civ1??

                    I didn´t buy civ2 at the beginning becuase it was EXACTLY the same as civ1,
                    I´m not talking about MGE, I´m talking about the original civ2

                    so I think that civ3 is going to have a few differences with civ2, and then afterwards, new packs and updates will be coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                    Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Prometeus
                      Parole sante, Waku!
                      Grazie tante. Siamo d'acordo.

