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Iberian kingdom in.....Georgia!!!!!

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  • #16
    Hardly Surprising

    Originally posted by Waku
    Out of curiousity!

    I suppose the answer is no but...

    Has the Alania in your map somnthing to do with the Germanic tribe of the Alans?
    No! Yet I could name you the Algarve, Old Castille, New Castille, Catalonia, Andalusia, Asturias, Basque Province, Navarre, Murcia, Estremadura and Gallicia as regions of the Iberian penninsula....strange why we easterners are so fascinated by the west yet the west hardly knows much of the east.

    The Alans are said to be Iranians, but baring in mind that the original Iranians (Arians-oops thats a rascist word) were light skinned and fair haired and that Iranian and German is a related language the Alans could be said to be "German".

    Now back to the kingdom of Iberia.
    To learn a little of this kingdom, my best advice is to first play Age of Basilius now available at the European Civilization II site and Das Civilization Universum site.
    Last edited by Masis; June 30, 2001, 09:08.


    • #17
      Ah, ah, ignorants.
      I told it earlier to Jesus M,
      but have nothing to do, so will write it here again...
      Iberia name for this part of Caucasus is older than Roman rule over
      what now is Spain. I'm not sure f it isn't older than name Iberia for
      Your beloved part of Earth, in fact.
      The same goes for Albania.

      Name Iberia comes from tribe Tiberians, Tiberans o.s.l.t.
      "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
      I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
      Middle East!

