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Alice Bee

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  • Alice Bee

    Yep, she finally arrived last night (these things always happen at night). She's sixteen (hours ), she's beautiful, and she's mine. Mom is also prefectly well. I'll post a picture as soon as I get one scanned.

    PS. Her actual name is Alicia, not Alice.

  • #2
    What fine news!!!!

    This is most excelt news!

    My heartfelt congratulations, my friend.

    May she be strong and healty, and as lovely as can be.

    Alicia is a beautiful name, BTW.

    Alicia Balsinde. It's like a song, soft and smooth.

    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • #3
      Bien hecho, Balsinde!

      *pulls out cigars*


      • #4
        Enhorabuena, Jesús!

        Ser padre, hmmm... me das bastante envidia (sana), pero bueno, aún me esperaré algunos años...

        Esperamos ávidamente esa foto, eh?

        Es tu segunda niña, no? Para cuándo un Jesusín?
        "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
        - Spiro T. Agnew


        • #5
          Most excellent! Congratulations!
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6

            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • #7
              Congratulations! Daughters are a wonderful addition to a man's life, I wish you the best! Now you can conquer the world in her name...
              The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

              The gift of speech is given to many,
              intelligence to few.


              • #8

                Wow! A little bee..

                The future of Spanish scenarios in now consolidated. I'm looking forward to her first civ4 scenario..


                • #9

                  Asi que la saga Balsinde continua expandiendose por el mundo eh? ¿que miedo?

                  Bueno ya sabes a educarla en las dos verdades unicas:

                  El civilization2
                  El Atletico Madrid que suficiente tienen tus hijas con que su padre ya sea merengue como para que ellas tambien empiezen con mal pie


                  • #10
                    Enhorabuena Jesús!!!!!!


                    What r u waiting 2 post a pic?

                    PD: Un baberito XXL para el papá
                    PS: He, he, now you will have to design a scn in her honor
                    Last edited by Waku; June 6, 2001, 13:15.


                    • #11
                      Parece ser que además del master en la creacion de escenarios eres también capaz de hacer "otras maravillas", mi mas sincera enhorabuena y mis mas cuantiosas felicitaciones.
                      Qué envidia me das, yo que quise siempre tener una niña... que por cierto ha nacido el mismo día que yo... pero medio siglo mas tarde.
                      Bueno, pues nada, que disfrutes de ese olorcillo a angel de los bebes tan chiquitines, que disfrutes de esa paz que transmite el verles dormir ajenos a todo el mundo y sus circunstancias, que disfrutes pensando que fuiste quien puso la primera piedra a a un ser tan blanco, tan encantador, tan lleno de esperanzas, y para quien vas a ser el capitán trueno, roberto alcazar y pedrín, el jabato y si es preciso incluso hasta obelix....
                      Tó Emocinao, te envio un abrazo, de corazón
                      El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz


                      • #12
                        felicidades campeon!!!!

                        a ver cuando pones la foto!!!!!

                        espero q haya salido a la madre
                        Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                        Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                        • #13
                          E bravo il marpione... congratulazioni!!!!
                          "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                          "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                          "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                          • #14
                            Alicia A gift beyond price. My sincere and heartfelt congratulations, Jesus.
                            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

