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The Return of Spanish Pride PBEM

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  • The Catalunyans have found a Basque city!

    *cackles demonically*

    *parades Basque POWs through Barcelona*

    :banned: :banned: :banned: :banned:
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    • Downloaded&played&posted
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      • Who's in charge of the glorious Basque people?
        "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
        - Spiro T. Agnew


        • If I'm not wrong (and at the risk of messing it up again) the order right now is:

          Basques AI
          Andalusians Waku
          Moors Jay Bee
          Portugal cpoulos
          Catalans El Awrence
          Castilians Kindal


          *should I wait or should I go?*


          • Juan, are you ready to get back to the game? As you see the Basques are still open and in a desperate need for a strong arm

            Waku, hold on a bit until Juan replies. Just a bit.

            PS. Shameless plug: no one interested in Bolivar?


            • Sorry for delaying the game, guys! I'm in, Fieraicoechea rides again!

              In fact I wanted to join since I came back to Spain but I had the (wrong) feeling that the Basques were already taken.

              So I assume it's my turn now?

              PS: I'd be interested in Bolívar as well, but seeing as how I don't have many spare time in my hands, I think it's fairer to devote to the ones which I was already playing rather than start new ones.
              However in a few days...
              "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
              - Spiro T. Agnew


              • Originally posted by Fiera

                So I assume it's my turn now?
                Yeah. Good luck, the AI has probably screwed up the basques big time. Welcome to the bottom!

                PS: I'd be interested in Bolívar as well, but seeing as how I don't have many spare time in my hands, I think it's fairer to devote to the ones which I was already playing rather than start new ones.
                However in a few days...
                No problem, I guess there are yet two open slots. As long as they remain open (And I think they will) you may join whenever you wish.


                • Fieraicoechea is back at the helm after his self-impossed exile. Signs of modernization arise through all the country.

                  The Catalan explorers have been sent back home. Oh, and San Sebastián renamed to Tudela for the sake of accuracy.

                  I'll post the game here. Shall I send it to Waku as well?
                  Attached Files
                  "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                  - Spiro T. Agnew


                  • Originally posted by Fiera
                    I'll post the game here. Shall I send it to Waku as well?
                    Up 2 u!
                    (if it's not a chore)

                    city #8 will be soon founded!
                    Attached Files


                    • Originally posted by Fiera
                      San Sebastián renamed to Tudela for the sake of accuracy.
                      Uhm? Elaborate, please


                      • Turn played & posted

                        PS. Waku, 8 cities already???? Where are the 6th and the 7th?
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by Jay Bee

                          Uhm? Elaborate, please
                          Geographical accuracy, that is. The AI had founded San Sebastián exactly where Tudela lies (not a very good city location if you ask me, but I can cope with those handicaps)...
                          "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                          - Spiro T. Agnew


                          • Oh I see. I thought I was missing something But you are giving hints....


                            • Another turn done.
                              Attached Files
                              I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                              i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                              • Originally posted by Jay Bee
                                Oh I see. I thought I was missing something But you are giving hints....
                                Bah, I don't have any enemies... yet.
                                "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                                - Spiro T. Agnew

