Turkish invasors are being pacified near Sevastopol by the zarish cossacks. The rest of the holy land of Russia is in peace. We might it would continue in peace for long time.
No announcement yet.
Bonaparte pbem game
Whit the estabilishment of an alliance whit Prussia we will crush Napoleon, in the English cannal our glorious royal navy rule the waves, not a single french vessel has been left untouched!
A portion of the collonial task force has been called home and today a division of ships was sighted from the coasts of Ireland!
The revolutionairy dogs in france will soon be taught proper manners by our army and navy.
Prime Minister Henry Pitts' personal logNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
Bremen Falls To Prussian Troops!
The city of Bremen was occupied by Prussian Jaegers on this great day of the 15th of June of the year 1803. Like this, Prussian influence in the continent continues to grow.
Meanwhile, forces are being amassed in the Danish peninsula, where the advancing Prussian armies have met stiff opposition and have had a hard time occupying a Danish fortress which wreaks havoc among Prussian supply lines.
Soon, all of Denmark shall fly the mighty eagle of Hohenzollern on its towns, fortresses and castles.
Prussia and England are still eternal allies!!!
The Swedish emmisay has expressed that a simmilar arrangement could be arranged whit his country, but no treaty has been signed yet, apparently his monarch doesnt trust the english.
The nation is mobilizing for war and the fleet is gathering in major port cities awaiting the innevitable invassion that probably will follow, I am a bit perplexed by France though.
Although the frogs have been extremly expansionistic up untill now, they seem to have stopped thier aggressive tactics, waiting for someone to attack them, this is really strange since they haven't met their objectives yet...Attached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
I am a bit perplexed by France though.
Although the frogs have been extremly expansionistic up untill now, they seem to have stopped thier aggressive tactics, waiting for someone to attack them, this is really strange since they haven't met their objectives yet...
but I´m really agressive myself so....
that eventual invasion is going to be harder than you think
Prussia and England are still eternal allies!!!
The conquest of Alborg has marked the beginning of the end of the Danish campaign.
While the British continue to pressure the great Frederick and his Chancellor to attack France, Prussia has refused once again and the rash British diplomats dissolved the alliance! (Frederick had a party after that to celebrate it).
Meanwhile, the Russian caravanscontinue to hamper
the movement of troops
to the Danish front. We ask the Tzar to establish trade routes quickly. We are moving our troops back to the nearby towns in order for a rapid movement of the Russian traders who we hope will establish themselves in Prussian cities.
Meanwhile, the Swedish have also demanded money and they dissolved the alliance, it is believed that under the influence of Danish emissaries. This day Hohenzollern shall remember for long!Attached Files
Austria have declared the war to Russia!!!!!!!!
After Russian goverment negate to pay a small subside to Austrian funds, since the Russian caravans don´t pay taxes when they cross our frontier and make slower the movements of our troops, the Austrian Emperor have decided to declare the war against Russians.
In a quickly campaign we have destroy the troops of Kishinev and conquer the city, with the conquest of Moldavia the doors for the conquest of Ukrania are open.
We ask help to our German friends to stop the Slav advances in Poland and East Europe.
Until the date we aren´t interesting in the war between French and English, we aren´t going to declare the war if our lands aren´t under danger.
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