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Hispania's Contribution to the Roman Empire

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  • #16
    In answer to when did Portugal officially become an independent kingdom-according to this book I have-1139 AD, apparently during the time of the Second Crusade, the English fleet helped the Portugese take Lisbon from the Almohad Caliphate.



    • #17
      The column isnt a link.
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #18
        Works ok with me...strange...

        Anyway back to Rome- lets learn about who Hadrian was and what he did. I think there is some information just a few paragraphs down on this site.

        "Wait till Bigus Dicus hears about this!" Pontios Pilate enfuriated at this prefect-Monty Python and the Life of Brain.
        "He has a wife you know, you know what's she called? Her name is Incontinentia-Incontinentia Buttocks"-Pontios Pilate still infuriated at his Prefect-Monty Python and the Life of Brain.



        • #19
          You didn't understand me. I know that Hispania was the name of this peninsula. What I tried to say was that you have a tendency to regard the events in the Peninsula before Spain or Portugal existed as part of your history only. Jasev please notice that the reign of Portugal was created before the reign of Spain, 1143 I think. Masis Portugal beame independet long before the conquest of Lisbon. Please don't be ofended with my comments, as a matter of fact I'd be happier if the peninsula was reunited.


          • #20

            Originally posted by dizepam on 03-16-2001 07:54 PM
            You didn't understand me. I know that Hispania was the name of this peninsula. What I tried to say was that you have a tendency to regard the events in the Peninsula before Spain or Portugal existed as part of your history only. Jasev please notice that the reign of Portugal was created before the reign of Spain, 1143 I think. Masis Portugal beame independet long before the conquest of Lisbon. Please don't be ofended with my comments, as a matter of fact I'd be happier if the peninsula was reunited.

            Sorry Dizepam but I don't really understand you point-I know that Portugal was independent long before the conquest of Lisbon if you read what I had posted on that subject-this is a topic for the discussion of Hispania (that is both Spain, Portugal, Galicia, Catalonia and Basque provinces) contribution to the Roman Empire so I am not going to divert it into the discussion of Portugeuese history, if you would like to create a topic on that subject do so.

            You need to explain yourself better as I can not comprehend what your objective is-certainly I commend the Romans for uniting the penninsula and helping create a more organised trade and defence network which remained unchanged until recently with modernisation.
            Even if I am not Hispanic I am interested in the Roman era of that region, as the Romans ruled Anatolia (Turkey) for over 1,000 years I consider any other region that the Romans ruled to be part of my history too.
            And I am not a muslim I am a Christian-there are still Christians living in modern Turkey.
            If you are not pleased with my attempts to discuss the Roman era of Hispania-you should contribute some posts yourself to add more information to this topic if you consider it to be a part of your history.



            • #21

              Originally posted by dizepam on 03-16-2001 07:54 PM
              as a matter of fact I'd be happier if the peninsula was reunited.

              Wow, dizepam, I have a few good Portuguese friends but this is the first time I hear a Potuguese to say something like this

              Being myself a Spaniard I know it's not politically correct to say that I wholeheartedly agree with you. How much trouble could have been saved if the whole peninsula was a single country! I am sure we all would live much happier and better. Besides, calling my country Iberia sounds really cool Sadly, politics still count much more than people's needs.

              One thing that I have given much thought lately is what would happen if the Spanish and Portuguese leagues merged into a unique Iberian league (yes, I love soccer with a passion . Porto-Madrid, Benfica-Barcelona... can't imagine it. Wish one day the dream comes true.


              • #22
                How good is your Latin?
                Well mine is cacare, but if your Caput is working ok check this site out on the works of Seneca...



                • #23
                  Dizepam, I knew you would misundestand me. I already knew Portugal became an independent nation before Spain (if you read again my last post, you'll see I said Portugal became independent from the kingdom of León). I tried to say that Spain was a historical entity, including Portugal. Portugal became independent from León as Castilla did, but castilla unified later with León and Portugal did not. But the normal course of the history would have conducted to an united peninsula (call it "Iberia", if you wish); that is the reason why Salvador de Madariaga said Portugal was a "Historical Accident". Portugal should have joined Spain as Castilla y León, Aragón and Navarra; but it wasn't possible, what a pity. That is the reason we talk about "spanish history" including Portugal: Spain was a historical reality centuries before becoming a united Nation. When Portugal became independent (1143), the portuguese left this historical unity they once belonged. But you are wrong when you talk about Spanish history thinking it's only the history of the spanish people; spanish history before portuguese independence is YOUR history too.

                  I disagree with Jay Bee: It was a luck for Portugal to avoid the Spanish history becoming a free nation. For example, they didn't suffer as many civil wars as us. And their de-colonization process was quite better than ours.
                  But an unified football league could be a great idea, I'll take note about it.
                  [This message has been edited by jasev (edited March 19, 2001).]
                  "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
                  "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
                  The Spanish Civilization Site
                  "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


                  • #24
                    Well Jasev, you're rigth when you say that Spanish History is my History also, that was what I was trying to say. You say in your post that Spain was an historical reality centuries before becoming an united Nation. I think that's not that linear. Please notice that different regions of Spain have very different cultures (different languages for example). It would not be that strange if they stayed independent. You must also undesrtand that I am not that good in History, I know what I learned in school and only a little more. I'm now studying Portugues History just for fun, but I have little time for that. I don't know how was your de-colonization process but ours was terrible. We had a war in Brasil and terrible wars in Africa, and let those African countries emerged in civil wars, that's not what I call a well made de-colonization. About uniting the football leagues I think it wouldn't be a good idea because our league is very, very, very bad, in oposition to yours wish is, in my opinion, the best in the World. So portuguese teams would be playing in the second division after some years.
                    Just a side commentary for you to see I'm well intencioned, I read a book from Jorge Luis Borges this week and I think it's very good.


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by dizepam on 03-16-2001 07:54 PM
                      I'd be happier if the peninsula was reunited.

                      It seems you're not alone :


                      • #26

                        Originally posted by jasev on 03-19-2001 11:31 AM
                        I disagree with Jay Bee: It was a luck for Portugal to avoid the Spanish history becoming a free nation. For example, they didn't suffer as many civil wars as us. And their de-colonization process was quite better than ours.

                        Well, this is all a big what if, but leaving aside the XX century, the worst war fought in Spanish soil was the Peninsular War. That war would probably not have happened if Portugal was a part of Spain. The world could have been a very different place if Portugal did not secede from Spain in 1640 or even from Castile in 1139. Big "what ifs" indeed...

