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Canary Islands = Atlantis?

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  • #16
    Hi Allard! Perhaps I was a little unclear in my post. I don't believe the Atlantis Myth(I agree with Fiera), but i do believe that Plato was describing a real place, despite the fact that you are right that Plato often spoke in metaphor. I havn't read the Critias in years! Plato certainly was a long winded fellow, wasn't he? On to Thera: In his book 'Return to sodom and gomorrah' noted scientist Dr Charles Pellegrino postulates that Thera erupted in 1650 BC, wiping out the Minoan capital and sending a tidal wave toward Crete, which killed many, and the ash from this volcano can be found(and authenticated through carbon dating) throughout Eygpt and the middle east, but not in Greece proper, for the winds blew towards the South east. He speculates that the effects of this eruption caused the Biblical plagues on Eygpt that are described in Exodus. This is not to doubt the power of God, for he could have certainly caused such an eruption. For those non-believers, they can account for it by random chance. It is known that a disaster struck the world at this time, so it fits these parameters. As Plato described it, Atlantis was not possible from an scientific point of view. A place as large as Austrailia sinking into the Atlantic would have left physical evidence, as well as a wave that would have covered almost all of Europe, and there is no evidence of that. Also, there are no written records from 11,000 years ago(9,000 for Plato), but if the translation errors I mentioned in a previous post are taken into account, they do fit the parameters of Thera and Minoan culture. Of course, I could be completly wrong in this, but that is my belief. One last thing, your new scenario sounds quite interesting, but will I, who only have MGE, be able to play it? I was sorely disapointed by River war not being MGE compatible (that is untill Kull sent me a fix for it, thanks again Kull!). I don't know what it entails to make it compatible, but if it is possible, would you consider it? Myself and other gold players would be most happy about that, if it were possible.

    All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • #17

      2) Last Asterix comic book (title: La galere d'Obelix). On page 35 it is clearly stated so.

      hey, I was also going to post that!!!!!

      Obelix is awesome
      Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
      Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


      • #18
        Interesting that nobody wrote anything about the most recent theory...

        Some say that Plato or perhaps Solon or whoever got the dates mixed up, and that "Atlantis" as the Egyptian name is supposed to be was actually... Troy! The story of the end of Atlantis could be a dragged memory or report, maybe Egyptian-based/biased about the Trojan War. I have a looong (German) article about that. Very interesting indeed, some new excavations at Illium started in May '99.
        As for me personally, I doubt that. It's an interesting theory, but IMHO not more trusthworthy than all the others.
        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


        • #19

          Originally posted by Jay Bee on 03-03-2001 05:43 PM
          , others say Santorini

          Which Santorini? There are several islands named Santorini.
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #20

            Originally posted by Henrik on 03-11-2001 03:53 PM
            Which Santorini? There are several islands named Santorini.

            This one:
            [This message has been edited by Waku (edited March 11, 2001).]


            • #21

              It says nothing more than "Pour certains, ces îles seraient aujourd'hui les îles canaries". (is french allowed in this forum?)

              he, he, according to this forum's trend , this is as good a evidence as can get Seriously, I agree, it was a joke


              But I'm very happy that more people seem to enjoy Asterix and read it in French, as it's much nicer to read in French than in translated versions.

              Where did you get from that I read Asterix in French? I do not understand a single word in French. I have always read Asterix in Spanish. Except for a few instances, the Spanish translation is excellent (not to surprise anyone, as France and Spain, along with Italy form one single nation )


              I think that this album however is quite bad. Asterix never reached the same level as it used to have, never anymore since Goscinny died. Especially La rose et le glaive was quite awful (though there were nice women in it).

              I agree. They are both horrible... but the choice is: this crap or nothing. I take the crap When is the next album supposed to come out? I have already asked in several bookstores and no one can give an exact date.


              • #22

                Originally posted by Waku on 03-11-2001 04:18 PM
                This one:
                [This message has been edited by Waku (edited March 11, 2001).]

                Oh, in that case I know where it is, I've been there (well, just on my way to the neighboring island Naxos).
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #23
                  Just two words, cause I'm very busy in the middle of exams.


                  When is the next album supposed to come out? I have already asked in several bookstores and no one can give an exact date.

                  Actually, when i saw your question, I got curious too, so I visited the "official" Astérix website ( ), and to my astonishment, the next album will be released.... the day after tomorrow! March 14th!!


                  Where did you get from that I read Asterix in French? I do not understand a single word in French

                  What a shame! I assumed cause you quoted the french title for "la galère d'obélix". And I thought that all Spanish could speak French, being "one single nation"..


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Allard HS on 03-12-2001 09:48 AM
                    "official" Astérix website ( ), and to my astonishment, the next album will be released.... the day after tomorrow! March 14th!!

                    To bad I cant read french (yet)
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!

