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cCYONES: civman's "Create Your Own" NES

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  • To Sweden: Consult the US on that. If it's ok with them, you can have it.


    • Sweden: You can have the baseball factory (Haiti)

      To France: Do not think to expand in the Americas lest you recieve another beating by our glorious alliance.
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • Fraka accepts the peace.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • Uncontrolled nations:
          Belgium to Franco-Spanish: We do not accept you peace proposal. We demand either the phillippines or the entire channel coast.
          Germany, Serbia, Peru, La Plata, and Brazil to Franco-Spanish: We accept the peace
          Moors to Franco-Spanish: No. We demand Gibraltar, the Baleares, and Sicily.
          The Moors have captured Sicily from Italy.
          The Italians and Mediterraneans, having made peace with all of their major enemies and only remaining at war with the Moors, have been able to focus their forces on a single front. Italy liberated Sicily and the Mediterranean League has landed forces in eastern Algeria.

          To Moors: Your demands are absurd. Accept our original offer or in our offer you will have been defeated and we will be making demands.
          To Belgium: How about we just give you the big southern island of the phillippines and what we have already offered in France? And will you agree to a ceasefire and pulling out of most of france while we negotiate?

          Franco-Spanish forces, having come home from the Americas and the other fronts, are now focused mainly on the Moorish front and a bit on the Belgian front. They have managed to begin pushing back the moors.


          • Originally posted by civman2000
            Uncontrolled Nations:

            Tibet to FRS: Why would it be necessary?

            FRS to Tibet:

            we guess it wouldn't be neccessary in ordinary circumstances, but in the instance that we needed to respond to a distant threat or wanted to trade with someone who borders you but not us. We would of course extend the same priveledges to you.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • Uncontrolled Nations:
              Tibet to FRS: Until it seems likely that it will soon become necessary, our answer is NO.
              A joint offensive by Italy, the Franco-Spanish, and the Mediterranean League has led to the surrender of the Moors. Their lands will be split between the three aforementioned countries. The Mediterranean League also agred to return the Baleares to Spain as a part of the treaty.

              Belgium to Franco-Spanish: We will accept a ceasfire but will not withdraw. And if you'll only give us that pathetic bit of land in France, we demand all of the Phillipines except the northernmost island.

              To Belgium: We agree to you peace terms.

              Due to domestic troubles, the Franco-Spanish Union has announced that it is splitting into France (pink, what I will control) and Spain (purple).

              Attached Files


              • Sweeden - Diplomacy

                To France: We accept the peace treaty.

                To US: Thanks for letting us have that island of baseball factories back.
                Sweeden - Projects

                Continue Upgrading the Army to Large (2 years.)

                Continue Upgrading the Navy to Large (4 years.)
                Sweeden - Military Orders

                Keep soldiers on high alert throughout the Empire.

                Suspicious activity by the army of Czarist Russia has been reported on the Sweedish-Czarist border. Place a higher than normal number of soldiers to guard the border with Czarist Russia.
                Sweeden - Stats - 1905
                Sweden (red)
                Ruler: Jonny
                Army: Medium-Large
                Navy: Medium-Large
                Air Force: None
                Tech: Mid-Late Industrial Era
                Government: Constitutional Monarchy


                • To Free Rusian States:
                  We would like to sign an alliance with your nation for the mutaul defense of both of our countries.

                  To France:
                  We wish we could have been more helpfull in your fight to keep your nation togather. We hope that we can still keep our alliance.

                  Japanese Stats: 1905
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Huge
                  Airforce: none
                  Tech: Mid-Late Industrail Era
                  Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • FRS to Japan:


                    Refugees from the czar's Russia have been coming across the border into the FRS. They bring news of the brutal oppressive measures the czar uses to keep everyone in line, and the terrible things he does to those who dissent or question. Apparently, those who are able to flee are only a small fraction of the multitudes attempting to escape the brutality of the czar. We can only guess as to what have happened to those that have been caught. As a result, the army is being upgraded to deal with this menace, and forces are moving into the lands of the oppressed people under the illegitimate despotic ruler. They are there to incorporate anyone who wishes to be into the FRS. The czar is warned not to interfere and unless he cleans up his act the incorporation will continue.
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • Uncontrolled Nations:
                      Czar to the World: We are declaring war on the evil FRS, which has invaded our territory without provocation.
                      Czarist forces have met the FRS in battle and have been completely defeated. Czarist RUssia is now in disarraay.

                      France to japan: Agreed.
                      France has fallen into a depression, and socialists have won the recent elections...


                      • FRS To Czar:

                        we warned you. Ever since we broke away we have been urging you to adopt a more moderate and just form of rule, and still you went on persecuting and oppressing the Russian people unfortunate enough to be under your tyrrany. And when we offered them FRS citizenship and protection, you went so far as to massacre anyone attempting to escape from your barbarous regime. Now, instead of a rational response, you have declared war on us and attacked us. Your defeat is well deserved. Surrender your rule, and we will allow you to go into exile. If you make us capture you, you will be tried for your crimes.

                        Move further into czarist Russia and incorporate it with temporary protectorate status until this can be resolved and further steps taken.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • Sweeden - Diplomacy

                          To Czarist Russia: The Free Russian States have told us all about the way you mistreat your civilians and how you commit atrocities against your own people. An evil tyrant such as you should not be allowed to rule. We have no choice but to declare war on you and remove you from power.

                          To Free Russian States (Secret) : The Czar's power is weakening fast, his power will be gone soon.(/secret)
                          Sweeden - Projects

                          Continue Upgrading the Army to Large (1 year.)

                          Continue Upgrading the Navy to Large (3 years.)
                          Sweeden - Military Orders

                          Keep soldiers on high alert throughout the Empire.

                          The soldiers that were put on alert on the border with Czarist Russia have poured across the border into Czarist Russia. Also, the Navy is blockading the Czarist coastline on the Baltic sea.
                          Sweeden - Stats - 1906
                          Sweden (red)
                          Ruler: Jonny
                          Army: Medium-Large
                          Navy: Medium-Large
                          Air Force: None
                          Tech: Mid-Late Industrial Era
                          Government: Constitutional Monarchy


                          • Build up the Draka army (surprise!)
                            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                            • Ottoman Republic

                              To: FRS

                              We'll help with the downfall of this evil regime.


                              attack Czarist Russia with 1/2 of army and 1/2 of navy

                              use the rest to defend the Republic

                              make Albania a state of the Republic

                              increase navy


                              • Uncontrolled nations:
                                The czar has been captured and executed by rebels. Poland, Lithuania, and Rumania have declared independence, and the rest of the country wishes to join the FRS.

                                As the depression continues in France, Marxist rebels have popped up throughout the country. The president has resigned, an new elections are scheduled for next year.

