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  • JNES

    Story: (first part from WRangler Rhymer if you dont mind )
    "Hitler awoke to the news of an Allied strike in Normandy. Hitler's Generals were relieved that they did not have to wake him. Hitler ordered the his battleharden Elite Panzer division to strike down the assault. The Allies were stablizing the coast of Normandy when the Panzer arrived and pushed them back into the coast. Trapped like rats the allies orderly evacuated in a Dunkirk like event, but this time it would not be as successful. Ike put out the telegram that he most dread the order to retreat. The German had hammered them hard on there way out. Half the Allied landing lived, mostly Americans, and Brittish. The Free French leader Charles de Gualle was killed when a mortor jammed and exploted, killing him and two others. The Free French were then surrounded. They were sieged into surrendering. The Germans had survived for the time being. The Russian had push the Germans back, but the fought back to a stalemate. The U.S. now had to redirect forces to Brittian incase of a German attack. The Japanese moral rised and they took back the Phillipines, Iwo Jima , and Okinawa. They had completed building 13 submarine carriers, but their surface fleet was in deadly need for rebuilding. North Africa was once again in a stale mate of the Allies and the Axis. " But the Allies can completely stop Japan. For most of the war the Nationalists have been saving their army for after the war to fight the communists. But now as the war conitnues to drag on, the nationalist are starting to doubt if CHina will be become part of the Japanese Empire. So efforts bettween the Communist and Nationalist to settle their differences and to start truely fight back against the Japanese have begun, and if secussfull would surely speed the defeat of Japan.

    The Germans had a very small change of draging the war out to a stalemate, and maybe even win if they could push back the Russians and cut off Britain with their subs again. But they still have to deal with the American airforce which continues to pound Germany everday.

    Each turn will be one month, so that we can have detailed battles. But if you wish for time to move faster that can be done as well. THe Start of this is right after the failed Normany invasion.

    Other Notes:
    I will moderator all battles so we dont have over broad stuff. So post your moves in your posts, and I will post the winner. Both Sides can win this war still. But it will take skill and great tatics for the Germans to win.

    Britain (orange)
    Ruler: Giovanni Wine
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Large
    Air Force: Medium
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Democracy w/ commonwealths
    Economy: Stable

    France (pink)
    Ruler: ??
    Army: Small
    Navy: none
    Air Force: small (in southern France)
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Vichy Republic
    Economy: Ragged but not torn

    Germany (blue green)
    Ruler: Sheep
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium(mostly subs)
    Air Force: Medium(suffering from lack of parts)
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Fascist Socialism
    Economy: Stable, but soon to fall

    Russia (red)
    Ruler: SKILORD
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: Medium
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Communism
    Economy: Stable

    Ruler: ??
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Republic (under Soviet advisement)
    Economy: Stable

    Austrailia (light blue)
    Ruler: ??
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Tiny
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Republic (allied closely with Brittian)
    Economy: Stable

    United States of America (navy blue)
    Ruler: Jack_www
    Army: Huge
    Navy: Large
    Air Force: Large
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Democracy
    Economy: Booming

    Spain (dark green)
    Ruler: ??
    Army: Small
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: small
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Socialist Dictatorship
    Economy: Growning

    India (light purple)
    Ruler: ??
    Army: Large
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: none
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Commonwealth of Brittian (but self rule)
    Economy: Recession

    Mexico (black)
    Ruler: Metaliturtle
    Army: Small
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Stable

    China (Blue)
    Ruler: ??
    Army: Hugh
    Navy: none
    Air Force: Tiny
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Nationalists (stable while fighting Japan)
    Economy: Growing

    Japan (purple)
    Ruler: Easthaven
    Army: Huge
    Navy: Large(allthough carriers are gone, need to be rebuilt)
    Air Force: Tiny
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    Economy: Stable

    Turkey (light yellow)
    Ruler: WRangler Rhymer
    Air Force:Tiny (biplanes only)
    Space Fleet: N/A

    Italy (green)
    Ruler: Methril
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: Medium
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Fascist Socialism
    Economy: Recession
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Jack_www; March 21, 2003, 01:21.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

  • #2
    I'll take Italy, but where are it's stats?


    • #3
      Hey Jack, I would like to be Britain.


      • #4
        Where is everybody?


        • #5
          I will post the stats for Italy in a little bit. There should be alot of people here I dont know were they went to.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • #6
            I would like to start this NES now. But two people want Britain though. BUt I guess I will let Giovanni Wine take the UK.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • #7
              Japan begins a two year plan of constructing 6 Aircraft Carriers. 1 of which will be completed within 2 months, 1 more within 4 months, another within 12 months and two others in the following year.

              Japan also begins upgrading the size of the air force to small, should take 3 to 6 months, after that they will upgrade to Medium which will take another 3 to 6 months.

              Japan sends 4 submarine carriers to the Panama Canal, to surprise attack any American vessels crossing the Canal to either the Atlantic or to the Pacific.

              To Nationalist China:
              We are willing to call a truce. End it as is. You have your problems with the communists, I see. Everyday while you fight us, you weaken while your communist enemies strengthen. Soon you will be overthrown by them. Let us end the war as is, then you may avert your attention to your internal threat.

              To Germany(SECRET!):
              Since the Allies failed at Normandy, and you've put up a stone wall in Africa, I propose we launch a simultaneous massive offensive into Russia, taking them out of the war. Strike them so hard they will strive for a separate peace. Then we can avert our attention to the rest of the allies. I propose you strike the Caucusus and burn their oil fields or take them, once you've done that they will have enough crude oil for only about 6 to 12 months. Also try to get Turkey on our side, I am sure you can convince them. Also try to get Iraq to join you as well. Even give aid to some ALgerian rebels. Launch an offensive to take the Baku oil fields and Moscow, and I will launch an offensive on Russian eastern flank. Also, get Finland to join as well, they have a natural hatred towards the Russians. Try to get as many fascist groups around the world to rise up, especially Franco of Spain, you recent victory in Normandy should aid his decision to join us. Your victory at Normandy was huge, congrats. Also, could you give me the license to build all the weapons in your arsenal?


              • #8
                American Millitary Planers realizing that the defeat at Normandy would give the Axis powers hope and lower the spirits of the American troops decided to launch a new offensive.

                THe Plan calls for a dual assualt. First To Overtake Axis postions in North Africa. This will be a joint British and American opperation. Using intelligence and tanks that were to be landed in Normandy the Allies hope that with good tatics and supperior numbers that they can finnally push the Axis from Africa.

                The Second part of the attack will take back the Phillipines islands. Three aircarft carriers and 4 battleships and hunders of other ships will be involved in the assualt. Marines are preparing for the invasion, which is expected to be bloody in the face of entrenched Japanese defenders.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • #9
                  I have a story on the way, I just want you to know that I know we've started.
                  Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                  • #10

                    To: Algeria, Iraq, Spain, Finland, Turkey

                    Join us against the evil of the allies! After the war (and our subsequent success) we promise aid to your countries!


                    begin increasing air force (1x)

                    draft more Italians into army

                    strike Russia when Germany and Japan decide to

                    begin propaganda campaign in Ethiopia, drafting the Africans with the promise of being almost fully independant. Send them to fortify Ethiopia (1/2) and attack other African territories (1/2)


                    • #11
                      I will post an update as soon as more people post. So far only 3 people have posted and I want to give the others a chance. Also I will handle the nations that are not controlled by anyone untill some one takes them.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • #12
                        From the United States
                        To Afirca and rest of World:
                        We are here to tell you that after the war you will gain your independence from the powers in Europe. Britain we know will grant you independence , since most of their own people want to turn their backs on imperialism. We are here to defend the free world from tryants in Germany, Italy and Japan. But we need your help in the effort. TOgather united we will win the war, but divided we fall. Germany has killed millions of people for the simple reason that they are of a certain race. We can not stand by any longer and watch as they try to take over the world. These nations cannot be trusted. We must remember that they are the ones who started this war, not the allies. Before this war started Britain and France tried to stop the war with diplomcy, but that failed. Look at what Germany has done to Russia, they sign a non aggression pact with them then stab them in the back, what makes you think they will not do the same to you? So do not listen to them, unite against them and we will win the war.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • #13

                          Sorry, I was gone this weekend

                          I shall be the UK (as I have already stated in the other thread)

                          To: Colonies
                          From: Britain

                          Everything the United States said is true, we were planning your independence since a long time ago, but the forces of evil (Germany, Italy and Japan) have prevented us from allowing all of you full independence, because in this time of need the resources of your nations are very much needed.
                          But now we do not only need the resources, but we will need also your menpower, the shortage of available men in Britain is a serious problem, and if the brownshirts of Hitler manages to capture London, they will automatically become ruler of all of you, and you can be sure that they will never grant you independence.
                          So please, join us in this last crusade, together we have built a prosperous empire, do not let it fall.

                          To: US
                          From: Britain

                          We need to plan a strike against Germany, our defenses are holding their grounds now, and we believe it could be the best time to attack Germany

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • #14
                            The German Army has been ordered to complete the Atlantic Wall and.

                            With majority of the fores fihting deep within Soviet territory the Reich needs to quickly wipe the government in Moscow off the board.

                            The Soviet Union shall fall weithin a year.

                            To Japan and Italy (secret): I urge you to fight for your lives. Russia must be felled if we are to survive against the West. Italy with the Afrika Korps must keep Africa stabalised, while we execute the advance to Moscow. The Atlantic War is the defence we rest upon in the West until we mange this task.

                            To Turkey: (secret) You dream of re-emerging as a great power, the new Turkish Empire. I give you a chance. Strike against the Russians and the British. Their failure on June 6th is testimony to German destiny. We wish to take the Turks with us.

                            Throughout the Reich the Jews are being rounded up and gassed in great carload lots. Soon the Reich shall be judenfrei. The Russian campaign goes well with the general advance towards the Causcaus with a feint to the north that has the Soviets fooled. Moscow will soon be without oil and petroleum products.

                            To Britian and Untied States: You failure at Normandy is testimony to the destiny of the National Socialist Reich and the ultimate dream of the German master race of realising lebensraum in the East. We urge you to lay down your weapons now. We seek not to subjugate you. We seek only to have peace with your great nations. The Reich will last 1000 years, we hope you will also last that long.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • #15

                              To: Mexico

                              Join the Axis. This is your chance. STRIKE!


                              use Afrika Korps to defend Italian Africa

                              continue to draft eager Ethiopians

                              attack along the nile with my non-Korps African army

                              make fortifications all inside and around the Italian mainland

