Germany - Military Actions:
Having effectively driven off the US Atlantic Fleet, the German army and navy is launching a massive landing in northeastern Canada to support the British. US forces have been driven back in some areas already.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific, the part of the German navy which was deployed around Indonesia has mostly been redeployed (while other squadrons of ships are ebing sent via northern Russia) into the central Pacific, and have begun a naval blockade of Hawaii. The German buildup in Validivostok is continuing.
Germany - Projects:
Germany has now discovered oil in Indonesia.
Germany - Statistics (early 1926):
Army: Super-Power
Navy: Gigantic (upgrades to Imperial in 0.5 years (1 day))
Air Force: Huge
Space Fleet: N/A
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: World Leading
Other Projects:
Indonesian development & independance: 1.5 years (3 days)
Oil in Indonesia: 0.5 years (1 day)
5 new carriers: 2.5 years (5 days)
German Positions toward countries:
Italy: Very Friendly (allied)
Russia: Best Friends (allied)
Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
Ottoman Empire: Friendly (allied)
UK: Friendly (allied)
France: Normal
Holland: Normal
Japan: Normal
USA: War
Brazil: Friendly
Argentina: Normal
Cuba: Cold
China: Normal
Mexico: Normal
Portugal: Friendly (allied)
Spain: Normal.
Having effectively driven off the US Atlantic Fleet, the German army and navy is launching a massive landing in northeastern Canada to support the British. US forces have been driven back in some areas already.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific, the part of the German navy which was deployed around Indonesia has mostly been redeployed (while other squadrons of ships are ebing sent via northern Russia) into the central Pacific, and have begun a naval blockade of Hawaii. The German buildup in Validivostok is continuing.
Germany - Projects:
Germany has now discovered oil in Indonesia.
Germany - Statistics (early 1926):
Army: Super-Power
Navy: Gigantic (upgrades to Imperial in 0.5 years (1 day))
Air Force: Huge
Space Fleet: N/A
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: World Leading
Other Projects:
Indonesian development & independance: 1.5 years (3 days)
Oil in Indonesia: 0.5 years (1 day)
5 new carriers: 2.5 years (5 days)
German Positions toward countries:
Italy: Very Friendly (allied)
Russia: Best Friends (allied)
Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
Ottoman Empire: Friendly (allied)
UK: Friendly (allied)
France: Normal
Holland: Normal
Japan: Normal
USA: War
Brazil: Friendly
Argentina: Normal
Cuba: Cold
China: Normal
Mexico: Normal
Portugal: Friendly (allied)
Spain: Normal.