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GDNES2 - The Age of War (2nd Thread)

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  • United States Projects
    Enlarge Air Force (to Very Large): 5 years (10 days)
    Upgrade Economy: 3 years (6 days)
    Enlarge Navy (to Huge): 4 years (8 days)
    Enlarge Army (to Imperial): 2 years (4 days)
    Better Barrels: 3 years (6 days)
    Metallurgial Project: 15 years (30 days)


    Sorry for nitpicking Sheep, but being in hospital doesn't mean that you can skip things.

    Your Navy is Medium, (not very large), and before upgrading to Huge you must go to Large.
    Same thing for army, you must go to Gigantic before Imperial
    You don't have an airforce yet (but I will consider that while you have been away you could have easily build a Small Air Force, so I will grant you a Small one), but surely not a Medium one, and not upgrading to Very Large yet.

    And as for the peace terms... sorry about that, but I didn't want to continue a war like that against your nation while you were away.

    EDIT: Those kind of military upgrades will lead to major workers revolts, because you are exploiting them, and may lead to a Communist revoltion as well.........or is this what you actually want

    Last edited by Giovanni Wine; February 27, 2003, 17:53.
    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


    • Diplomicy:

      To: Russia
      What would it take to buy the caucuses?

      To: England
      Sell us Sudan.


      The war with Spain goes well.


      Navy to Very Large: Complete
      Better planes: Done
      Air Force to small: Complete
      Army to Imperial: .5 years


      Ottoman Empire (light blue)
      Ruler: Nimitz
      Army: Gigantic
      Navy: Very Large
      Air Force: Small
      Space Fleet: N/A
      Government: Federal Monarchy
      Economy: Prosperous
      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


      • Wars updates
        A Major Russian Offensive in Greenland proved very succesfull, as the French, too busy in fortifing their own borders with Germany, were completely kicked out of the island
        Now Greenland is fully in Russian Control.

        Guerilla and other independists destroy many buildings in Demark, asking for their homeland to be liberated from the Germans

        As the Portuguese withdrawed their supports for the Spanish, the Spanish army suffered many defeats to the Italian and Ottoman ones, as Madrid fell as well.
        Now all that is left of Spain if Galicia, and the new capital have been relocated in La Coruna.


        Diplomacy: January 1922

        To: Russia, Germany
        From: Denmark

        We surrender, we will recognize Russian and German ownership over Greenland, but we must ask the Germans to give us Denmark back.


        - Hindu-Muslim War begin in India
        Despite the fact that India is a British possesion, the greast autonomy given to the Indians have soon became a real dictatorship of the Hindu majority over the Muslims leaving there.
        A real war between the two groups have breaken and the Indian para-military (which was granted by Britain long time ago) struggles to keep the conflicts on check

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • The Map:

          I did not show changes in Greenland, Denmark and Spain, as war is still going on.

          Attached Files
          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • MAP Mistake: Sorry, Fez Region should be German as well


            To: Germany
            From: Italy

            We can't stop the war now

            To: Ottoman
            From: Italy

            I suggest that Italy takes the Catalan coast
            You take the old Muslim possesions of Granada
            We split Castilla between us
            We split the rest of Spain into: Navarra (The Basque Countries) and the Galician Kingdom (Galicia and Cantabria)


            Italian Projects
            Upgrade Economy: 1 years (2 days)
            Enlarge the Navy (to Huge): 3 years (6 days) (slowed down because of deal with Ottomans)


            Italian Stats
            Name: Kingdom of Italy
            Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
            Prime Minister: Giolitti
            Government: Monarchy
            Economy: Growing
            Army: Very Large
            Navy: Very Large
            Air Force: Medium
            MPP: Emperor's League, Balkan Alliance

            Italian Positions toward countries:
            Russia: Very Friendly (allied)
            Germany: Very Friendly (allied)
            Austria-Hungary: Very Friendly (allied)
            Ottoman Empire: Best Friend (allied, trading)
            UK: Normal
            France: Friendly
            Japan: Friendly (trading)
            USA: Normal
            Brazil: Normal
            Argentina: Normal to all parties
            Cuba: Normal
            China: Normal
            Mexico: Normal
            Portugal: Cold

            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
            The trick is the doing something else."
            — Leonardo da Vinci
            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


            • Britain to France/BENEDFRA (SECRET):

              We are afraid we cannot militarily help you, both as we are also allied with the Germans and even if we did help you we would be utterly crushed, but if we can aid you in any indirect way that doesn’t jeopardize our relationship with the other countries, we will. Good luck in protecting yourself.

              Britain to Ottomans:

              we are afraid Sudan is not for sale.

              Britain to India:

              We propose that you either reform your laws so that the minority will not be prosecuted or the majority Muslim areas of India be split away from India into a separate state of the British Commonwealth. In the meantime, if you wish, our troops will help restore order.

              A long overdue updating of the British military is underway; the obsolete portions of the army, navy and air force are being revamped. Training, tactics, and equipment are being updated to bring the military back up to par.

              Britain Commonwealth
              Army: Very Large (updated within 2 years)
              Navy: Imperial (updated within 2 years)
              Air Force: Medium (updated within 2 years)
              Economy: Booming
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • EDIT: Double-post.
                "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                Former President, C3SPDGI


                • To the nations of the world:
                  You, the nations of the world, have stood idly by while Russia slowly becomes dominant. You have allowed them to take whatever land they wished. They are a real threat to world peace. Germany, as well, is now expanding, taking sections of Europe, growing their army. The last war was fought over a the insignificant Florida Keys. I ask you, are nations that unlawfully occupy all of Scandinavia, Denmark, Greenland, not worthy of your attention. Do they not pose as much a threat to your people? Is Greenland not as an ideal base for military operations in North America as the tiny keys? I say to you, we all must take action to stop this aggression. Do not attempt to appease dictators, or you will find yourself regretting it.

                  To Germany, Russia: We vow to stop your aggression here and now.

                  To Britain (secret): I ask that you close the British seas to foreign military traffic. Seal off the channel.

                  To Asian Tigers Alliance (secret): Russia is like a poisionous gas, expanding to fill all space. I do beleive that Manchuria and Korea will be next. I urge you to take action.

                  With the belief that Germany backs the navy in Argentina, France begins to secretly assist the other factions, including Bolivia.

                  French troops concentrate forces on BENEFRA borders, in defensive positions.
                  "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                  Former President, C3SPDGI


                  • To Ottomans: The Caucuses is not for sale.

                    Russian movements: Russia pushes more troops to the Scandinavian peninsula. Bombing raids continue in the Pas de (du?) Calais region.

                    Projects: Russia now has a Super-Power army. The submarine is also complete, and the navy is Gigantic. The Air Force is medium.

                    Army: SuperPower (World Dominating in 2.5 years)
                    Navy: Gigantic (Imperial in 2 years (along with subs))
                    Air Force: Medium (Large in 2 years)

                    Other Projects:

                    Monoplane (1/2 year)
                    Dive Bomber (2 years)


                    • TO Germany and Russia(secret):
                      We would like to enter the war against France. We have much unfinished bussiness with them and would like to have their colonies in North Africa. If we can we will enter the war as our troops are coming back home. Our tanks and planes are ready, our navy is ready. Soon we will defeat the evil French.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • Russia moves planes to Spain and attacks French positions in the Pyrenees and it bombs the Charente region and the Dordogne region. Although 3 planes were lost, most landed safely in Russian-controlled spain.


                        • ((OOC: my take is that if portugal withdrew than all of our terms were accepted?))

                          Cuba signs non-aggression pact against the U.S. and strongly urges other nations to do the same

                          ((Btw, Goober is bedridden right now, he had a lung punctured in surgery on his ribs. He's looking better today than he was, but he's still in the hospital, not in and out like sheep. (Kangaroo bites are odd?)))


                          We are glad we could come to an agreement with the Germans, and feel it is in our best interest to abandon the BENEDEFRA in order to join the German Alliance, let us in Germany, and we won't stop you from invading spain (of course we get a chunk of the territory.)

                          To Russia: We trust our actions with Germany will prevent russian agression against the portugese?

                          To USA: We cannot help but observe the communistic tendancies your country is forming as a result of your military buildup, what are your intentions??
                          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                          • To Portugal: Russia has never had it's eyes on Lisbon. We were hoping you would help us defeat the French.

                            To Germany (secret): France has ignored our ultimatum. Let's roll.

                            To Britain: Can we sign an NAP so the north european seas are safe from foreign invasion?

                            To Austria: Good, very good.

                            To Italy: Your neutrality is perfectly justified in our eyes.


                            • Germany - Diplomacy:

                              To France: Then from this moment on, we are at war.

                              To Denmark: We will agree to let you have Denmark back if you agree to the following terms:

                              1) Allow German and Russian troops to remain in Denmark to guarantee your security against foreign invasion and internal threats.

                              2) The choice of Ministers and their immediate staff on matters of defence and foreign affairs shall be subject to the approval of the governments of Germany and Russia.

                              3) Denmark shall sign a full military and commercial alliance with Germany and Russia, allowing free trade with those two nations.

                              And kindly tell your people in Denmark to stop revolting, as they'll have their country back soon enough; if they don't, we'll have to resort to some very messy counter-insurgency operations. Believe us, you don't want that to happen.

                              To Italy (secret): We don't really care, we were merely making the request to fulfill our agreement with Spain.

                              To Austria: Excellent. Now we can crush the French once and for all.

                              To Portugal: Excellent. You will be rewarded upon the fall of France, and we will make no attempt to stop you from taking your fair share of Spain.

                              Germany- Miltiary Actions:

                              The German offensive against the remaining BENDEFRA members has begun:

                              German troops are moving through Angola into the Congo, along with troops from Cameroon and Tanzania.

                              Troops from Tanzania are langing in French Madagascar.

                              The Dutch East Indies are under blockade, and an invasion has been launched against Bali and Timor.

                              Holland has been invaded by massed German armour and support troops utilizing 'Blitzkrieg'.

                              The French transport network is being heavily bombed by the German air force.

                              German troops in West Africa are invading French colonies there.

                              The navy, in conjunction with the Russian one, is imposing a total blockade on all BENDEFRA members. No trade that could be in any way used for miltiary purposes will be permitted; vessels caught breaching the blockade will be warned, cut off if they do not sotp, then fired upon and boarded if necessary.

                              In all of these attacks, French and other troops are being shelled from dozens of kilometres away by massed German Big Berthas, who are able to fire at long range without any fear of retaliation.

                              Finally, German troops are preparing for a massive counter-insurgency campaign in Denmark if the ultimatum is not accepted. The tactics to be employed are (secret) summary execution of any rebels that can be caught, denial of food to those areas that harbour them, use of torture to extract information from prisoners, and mass executions in particularly rebellious areas (/secret).

                              Germany - Projects:

                              The German navy is now Huge.

                              The German air force is now Large.

                              The German navy is now being upgraded to Gigantic, and being equipped with submarines. The size upgrade will take 2 years, and the submarine upgrade 6 months.

                              Germany - Statistics (late 1922):

                              Army: Imperial (upgrades to Super-power in 2 years)
                              Navy: Huge (upgrades to Gigantic in 2 years (4 days))
                              Air Force: Large
                              Space Fleet: N/A
                              Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                              Economy: World Leading
                              Other Projects:
                              Aircraft Carrier: 2.5 years (5 days)
                              Repeating Rifle: 0.5 years (1 day)
                              Dive bomber (with the Russians): 0.5 years (1 day)
                              Submarines: 0.5 years (1 day)

                              German Positions toward countries:
                              Italy: Very Friendly (allied)
                              Russia: Best Friends (allied)
                              Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
                              Ottoman Empire: Friendly (allied)
                              UK: Friendly (allied)
                              France: War
                              Holland: War
                              Japan: Normal
                              USA: Normal
                              Brazil: Friendly
                              Argentina: Normal
                              Cuba: Cold.
                              China: Normal
                              Mexico: Normal
                              Portugal: Friendly (allied)
                              Spain: Cease-fire


                              • The Russian Army have advanced from Greenland. Bombs have fallen on Caen, Normandy and Cherbourg. The Russians have taken a beachhead in Normandy and ane advancing into France. The Russians have also advanced into Pas du Calais from Scandinavia.

                                The Russian Navy have attacked the Caen port, and the port at Cherbourg. Bombing raids continue in Pas du Calais and Paris.

                                Overall: The French have been overwhelmed by a bastly superior army in Russia. Tanks, machine guns, and artilly have smashed through French Fortifications. (secret)A total of 4 million troops are being trained for French missions(/secret)

                                To Austria and Portugal: (secret) Invade France from the South and East.

