OOC: Yes it can i am sorry but you are wrong. The Russian were building one but the Communist Revolution stop them from doing so. Check the history books yourself.
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GDNES2 - The Age of War (2nd Thread)
OOC: You find me the history book that says that. I'm not going to spend hours chasing down a fact that probably doesn't even exist.Last edited by GeneralTacticus; February 22, 2003, 20:55.
OOC: A World History Book, or Enciclopeadia Brittanica! In World War I the germans buildt a Artillery piece that fire on Paris from many miles away. A Russian reported that he had seen a BIG Sized German artillery piece. In response Nicholas I tried to break the German advance into Russian. So he had the world started a progect to make a bigger artillery peice than the Germans. So he start to build a mile long turret for the artillery. He had the workers lay out the long pipes out in a field as they were buildt, while that was 8 large iron wheels were in production and buildt into a large cart. Since the Communist Revolution began, all because the German secretly transported Lenin back to Moscow. The cart was destroyed by Communist revolutionaries who thought it was some part of a secret weapon. The pipe that was laid out was thought to be for a new plumming system for drainage for the factories. Once again in modern times Saddam Hussien tried to builded it, because he remembered it from history, but of course the Brittish stop sending the resources to him so that he could not longer builded it. I mean a mile long turret no mile range. AND GeneralTacticus get yourself some cable or statelite and watch the HISTORY CHANNEL MODERN MARVELS!! SO PLZ STOP DOUBTING MY POSTS AS FALSE, STUPID IMPOSSIBLE SAYINGS. I AM NOT A IDIOT AND LIKE I SAID BEFORE I AM NOT DOING UNREALISTIC STUFF. PLZ JUST TAKE IT AT THAT AND STOP DOUBTING ME. STOP PICKING ON ME AND MY POSTS.LOL
Germany - Diplomacy:
To Argentinian navy (secret): As you have repeatedly ignored our offers of support, and we cannot tolerate the threat of a socialist takeover anywhere in the world, we are now deploying troops into Argentina to crush the socialists with or without your approval.
Germany - Military Actions:
The German task force deployed near Argentina has now landed in territory held by the (red) socialists, and is commencing operations against them.
Germany - Projects:
The German air force is now Medium.
Development of better planes is now complete.
The German army will be upgraded to Imperial in 2.5 years.
Germany - Statistics (early 1920):
Army: Gigantic (upgrades to Imperial in 2.5 years (5 days))
Navy: Very Large (upgrades to Huge in 0.5 years (1 day))
Air Force: Medium
Space Fleet: N/A
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: Booming (upgrades to World Leading in 1 year (2 day))
Other Projects:
Better tanks: 1.5 years (3 days)
Colonial mining: 0.5 years (1 day)
OOC: Wrnagler: I looked up 'Big Bertha' (the name of the German 'supegun') in Encyclopaedia Britannica, and it mentioned nothing about any kind of Russian response to it, nor were they even close to 1 mile long. The ones developed in 1918 (by which time the Czars had been overthrown anyway) were about 10 metres or so long, and they had to be palced on special platforms before they could fire. A 1 mile long gun would be far too heavy to do that practically, and it would also be far too heavy to fire on the rails.
As for Saddam's supergun - that wasn't close to 1 mile long either.
And I'm not picking on your posts, but you're the only one who has tried to invent a superweapon that never existed.
I know that it is possible to make such a huge gun. Saddam tried to but failed. I dont know how long it was suppost to be. All that it would allow the gun to do would have a really long range, but you would have to put it on the side of a mountain. I think it would be possible to make such a gun in 1920, the only thing is that you would have to have it on a mountain, cause their would be no way to raise the barrel of gun. You could put it on rail road tracks and use that as the recoil system.
I try and find out if these gun really existed, but I doubt that the Russians built it, but I dont know.
To China:
We would like to buy as many rocket artillery you can spare. We would like for you to ship them to the United States if that would be possible.
To Italy(Secret):
We must come up with a better plan of attack to destory the Brazilian navy in the Gulf of Mexico. We would like our Adimirals to talk over a joint plan of attack.
To Russia (secret): If the BENEDEFRA attempt to interfere with your invasion of Greenland, we will stand by you. Our only serious rival with them is France, and with our military buildup we now have the capacity to defeat them.
Germany - Projects:
The German Krupp works are now beginning a project to dsign an artillery piece capable of firing over 100 km, which has been nicknamed the 'Big Bertha'. This should be complete within 2 years.
EDIT: German troops are also now fortifying along the BENEDFRA borders in Europe and the colonies.
((OOC: Mile long gun barrel? It couldn't fire artillery of any great size, and it would be aimed at the same spot constantly, he can build it, but the cost to manufacture and use it would far outweigh any benefits it would lend, he'd probably be able to fire it once per day IRL just because they would constantly have to check for warping in the barrel, consistency of metals at that size is in question, especially with no centralized manufacturer of the materials.)))First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
Navy to Germany: We did not ignore your offers. We responded and told you we did not want your military help but would appreciate economic support. Now LEAVE!
Civil war continues to rage in Argentina. No faction seems to be dmoinating; the navy and four others have begun to make major gains though.
ooc: regardless of any mile long artillery, and I have no protest against that, you can't skip from medium to huge army in the period of a few years. No way!
To Russia: This is an ultimatum: You will withdraw from both Greenland and Scandinavia, or face BENEDEFRA intervention.
French forces are ordered to push further into Mexico, and protect our allies' fleets while they are at dock."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI