NB this NEs is based on Harry Turtledoves Great War triology. However the plot from the start is entirely up to you . With all Sheep NES's there will be light modding mainly in the area of map changes, white diplomacy, stat changing and the like.
In 1862 the Confederated States of America won the War of Seccession against their northern brothers. The fragile peace was again shattered as an embittered United States went to war with the southerners after the key purchase of Emperor Maxamillian of Mexico, the states of Chihuaha and Sonora. This gave the onfederates a Pacifican coastline. The United States again lost the war due to the fact Britian and France helped the Confederacy.
In 1914 the Archduke of Austria was shot in Sarajevo. What becomae war in Europe quickly became war in America as well. The Qudraple Alliance of Germany, Austria, the United States and Italy went to war with the Entente powers. In early 1917 Russia was forced out of the war, later that year the Empire was no more and a new ideological state took its place giving The Allies huge concessions in the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
In early 1918 the French army surrendered as the German army crossed the Amrne and were at the gates of the Paris. The French Empire was stripped of them and handed to Germany, and Austria. Belguim lost its independence and became a German province answerable to the Kaiser in Berlin. Britain was alone in Europe.
In America Britian and the Confederacy had been battling the United States on two fronts. Utah had uprised but vrutally put down. There was also a red negor uprising in the Confederacy. In late 1918 the Confederate States signed an armstice losing Northern Viriginia down to the Ronoake, Kentucky, the state of Oklahoma (can;t remember its book name) and part oif the state of Texas called Houston.
Britian surrenderd soon after and the allies stood triumphant. Canda was handed over to the United States and Alaska was formally occupied.
The year is 1920. The Great War has been over for just 1 year. Already the rumblings of a new war begin on the horizon. Ireland has secured its independence, through the treaty of New York. The British Empire is in open revolt, The CSA moves rapidly towards the far right, and the United States elects its first Socialist President, throwing the Democrats out after 50 years in office.
The USSR is in open civil war and France feeling the effects of the war, is starving, and rebellious.
The Ottoman Empire struggles to keep its gains as the Arabs still despise the government and China is still suffering fromWarlordism. Then there is Japan.
In 1862 the Confederated States of America won the War of Seccession against their northern brothers. The fragile peace was again shattered as an embittered United States went to war with the southerners after the key purchase of Emperor Maxamillian of Mexico, the states of Chihuaha and Sonora. This gave the onfederates a Pacifican coastline. The United States again lost the war due to the fact Britian and France helped the Confederacy.
In 1914 the Archduke of Austria was shot in Sarajevo. What becomae war in Europe quickly became war in America as well. The Qudraple Alliance of Germany, Austria, the United States and Italy went to war with the Entente powers. In early 1917 Russia was forced out of the war, later that year the Empire was no more and a new ideological state took its place giving The Allies huge concessions in the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
In early 1918 the French army surrendered as the German army crossed the Amrne and were at the gates of the Paris. The French Empire was stripped of them and handed to Germany, and Austria. Belguim lost its independence and became a German province answerable to the Kaiser in Berlin. Britain was alone in Europe.
In America Britian and the Confederacy had been battling the United States on two fronts. Utah had uprised but vrutally put down. There was also a red negor uprising in the Confederacy. In late 1918 the Confederate States signed an armstice losing Northern Viriginia down to the Ronoake, Kentucky, the state of Oklahoma (can;t remember its book name) and part oif the state of Texas called Houston.
Britian surrenderd soon after and the allies stood triumphant. Canda was handed over to the United States and Alaska was formally occupied.
The year is 1920. The Great War has been over for just 1 year. Already the rumblings of a new war begin on the horizon. Ireland has secured its independence, through the treaty of New York. The British Empire is in open revolt, The CSA moves rapidly towards the far right, and the United States elects its first Socialist President, throwing the Democrats out after 50 years in office.
The USSR is in open civil war and France feeling the effects of the war, is starving, and rebellious.
The Ottoman Empire struggles to keep its gains as the Arabs still despise the government and China is still suffering fromWarlordism. Then there is Japan.