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Imperial Dip 50: Fall 1874 Results

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  • Imperial Dip 50: Fall 1874 Results

    There we go, check for mistakes
    builds due friday

    Dutch (2 disband)
    F Mld H
    F E.Indian-Cey (move fails)
    F Amn H
    F Jva H (unit dislodged and disbanded)
    F Ngu H (unit dislodged and disbanded)

    Austria (1 disband)
    F WMed H
    F Crs S F WMed
    F Tyr S F WMed
    F Lyo S A Mar
    A Pie S A Mar
    A Mar H
    A Rom H
    F Nap H
    F Sic H
    F Adr H
    A Mos S A Wrs
    A Wrs S A Mos
    A Glc H
    F Ber S A Kie
    A Sil S F Ber
    A (eastern france) S A Mar (support cut)
    A Bav H
    A Kie S A Hol
    A HOl S A (eastern france)
    A Sax S A (eastern france)

    China (Defiant) (1 build)
    KSL - BKH (move fails)
    KRA - KSL (move fails)
    IRK - KRA (move fails)
    VLA H
    F-PHILIPPINE S F-LUZON - LUZ (support cut)
    F-LUZON - LUZ (unit dislodged and destroyed)
    F-SCHINA - SUNDRA (move fails)
    A-CCH H
    A-SIA H
    A-BRM H
    A-YUT H

    To CSA: you illiterate backward mexican sucking lowlifes, fight me on you own without your lady

    To Mexico: Be a man and do what CSA can't do by themselves, take me on 1-1, cowards.
    To England:it looks like it is you and i to the end.
    To Turkey: Just like Japan you will die in the end.

    Turkey (Orange) (0 builds)
    A Teh S A Afg - Khv
    A Afg - Khv (move fails)
    A Ban - Afg (move fails)
    F Hdr (nc) S A Oma
    F Red - HoAfrica
    F Som S F Red - HoAfrica
    F Ken S F Red - HoAfrica
    A Asw S A Sud - Dar
    A Sud - Dar
    A Cai - Tbq (move fails)
    A Trp S F Tun
    F Tun S A Trp
    F Ionian - Adr (move fails)
    F Aeg - Gr
    A Rmn - Sr
    F Black S A Sev - Grg
    A Sev - Grg (move fails)
    A Bku S A Sev - Grg
    A Tbr - Arm
    F Sey S F M. Channel - W. Indian
    F M. Channel - W. Indian (unit dislodged and destroyed)

    CSA (RUFFHAUS) (1 build)

    F Greenland - Barents Sea (move fails)
    F Northern Passage supports F Greenland - Barents Sea
    F Barents Sea - Norway (move fails)
    A Iceland - hold
    F Norwegian Sea supports F North Atlantic Ocean - North Sea
    F Edinburg supports F North Atlantic Ocean - North Sea
    F London supports F North Atlantic Ocean - North Sea
    F North Atlantic Ocean - North Sea (move fails)
    F Dublin - North Atlantic Ocean (move fails)
    F North Sea - Rouen (move fails)
    F Nantes F North Sea - Rouen
    A Rouen - Metz (move fails)
    A Paris supports F Valencia - Marseilles
    A Bordeaux supports F Valencia - Marseilles
    F Valencia - Marseilles (move fails)
    A Toledo supports F Gibraltar - Valencia
    F Gibraltar - Valencia (move fails)
    F Strait of Gibraltar supports F Gibraltar - Valencia
    F Morocco - Algeria
    A TWR supports F Morocco - Algeria
    F Canary Islands - Morocco
    A Azores Islands - hold
    F Sargasso Sea - Canary Islands
    A Cape Verde Islands - hold
    A FZZ - Tubruq
    A ELJ - TIR
    A MDO - ELJ
    F Grain Coast - Monrovia
    F Gulf of Guinea - DMK
    A Washington State - hold
    A Alaska - hold
    F Anchorage supports F Bering Sea - hold
    F Bering Sea supports F Westerlies - hold
    F Westerlies supports F Hawaii - Western Pacific Ocean
    F Hawaii - Western Pacific Ocean
    F Equatorial Countercurrent - Bismark Sea (move fails)
    F Bismark Sea - Phillipine Sea (move fails)
    F Luzon - Luzon Strait
    F Mindanao supports F Luzon - Luzon Strait
    F Sunda Sea - South China Sea (move fails)
    F Celebes Sea - Borneo
    F IJA supports Mexican F Coral Sea - New Guinea

    RICHMOND, VIRGINIA - April 17, 1873 - After a briefing given by one of
    General James Longstreet's top aides President Ruffhausdeclared that the war
    in Europe will be over soon. Reports indicate that the demoralized Austrian
    troop base has grown weary from the guilt hanging over their head after years
    of committing attrocities called ethnic purges or 'cleansing' as the barbaric
    thugs refer to it.

    Additionally one wonders how long the greedy English beggars will continue to
    starve while Austria hordes foodstuffs that go underutilized. Of course
    many letters home from sailors stationed on the British Isles have complained
    about such English cuisine such as 'bangers & mash', 'fish and chips', and
    'steak and kidney pie' that the local lasses serve up at supper time.
    Fortunately their plump rumps keep the lads warm in the evenings.

    In the Pacific Ocean theater Admiral Faragut continues to laugh at the
    Chinese naval bumbling. The commander of the Pacific Fleets openly declared
    that only an idiot would put South China Sea at risk as the the 'junkers' did
    last spring. The Admiral praised the efficiency with with the Mexican navy
    has conquered the coastlines of Australia and Southern Africa. He then
    theorized that certainly India and Southeast Asia are next to fall to Mexican
    might. Faragut did have some complaint with respect to the Mexican sailors
    lingering in the Western Pacific Ocean, and indicated that if 'Speedy
    Gonzales' didn't awake from his seventh siesta, and move along to the
    Marshall Islands, that he was personally going to apply the lash to his undry


    Proud to support the mighty CSA, one fleet at a time.

    Crushing the hapless Turkish forces, one province at a time. I am enjoying
    being able to make it hurt.

    English days are numbered. One of these days the cross-eyed chinaman will
    see your underbelly.

    The Dutch always choke in the big one.

    Confucious say, "Man who build too many fleets, flounder in his own wake."

    Mexico (three builds)

    1. F W. Pacific - MHL
    2. F Kirbati - SW Pacific
    3. F A. Pacific - Barrier
    4. F Drake - A. Pacific
    5. F SW Pacific - Coral
    6. F A. Atlantic - Good Hope
    7. F B. Current c A RDJ - DML
    8. A URU holds
    9. A RDJ - DML
    10. A PRA holds
    11. A AGL - RHO
    12. F NE Trades s F M. Atlantic
    13. F M. Atlantic s F S. Atlantic
    14. F S. Atlantic c A RDJ - DML
    15. F Good Hope - M. Channel
    16. F TRN s F Good Hope - M. Channel
    17. A BOT s A RHO - MOZ
    18. A RHO - MOZ
    19. A CNG s A MOZ - KEN
    20. A MOZ - KEN
    21. F MAD s F Good Hope - M. Channel
    22. F A. Indian s F W. Indian
    24. F JAVA - ANDAMAN
    25. F Timor s F SE Trades - JVA
    26. F SE Trades - JVA
    27. F Barrier - SE Trades
    28. F CEL - JAVA
    29. F Coral - NGU
    30. F QUE s F SW Pacific - Coral
    31. F PRT s F Barrier - SE Trades
    32. F W. Indian s F NE Monsoon - SEY (support cut)
    33. F NE Monsoon - SEY (move fails)
    34. A SAU - NTR

    England (the orange one) (0 builds
    F-Skg S F-Nor
    F-Hlg > North (move fails)
    F-Den S F-Nor
    F-Nor S F-Den (support cut)
    F-Baltic S F-Den
    A-Fin S A-Stp
    A-Stp S A-Fin
    A-Grg H
    A-Oma H
    F-Arabian > NE Monsoon
    A-Krc S A-Kas (move fails)
    A-Kas S A-Krc
    A-Mds H
    A-Hyd > Ben
    F-G.Manaar > Cey (move fails)
    F-Sum H
    F-G.Siam > Mls
    F-Bor H
    A-Sp S F-G.Siam > Mls
    Stop Quoting Ben

  • #2
    Why does Britain's move :F-G.Manaar > Cey fail?
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


    • #3
      bounce with the dutch
      Stop Quoting Ben


      • #4
        Um, when did the Dutch start sending in orders? Do we have a new player to negotiate with?


        • #5
          Both the austrians and the dutch are currently on defensive auto-pilot since nobody seems to want to take them over, meaning they only take strictly defensive moves. I have been doing this for the past several turns. This includes support-breaking moves and army movement to move into defense positon both of which the Dutch and Austrians have done for the past several moves. I thought I made this clear after I adjudicated the first set of results (although I was at fault for not doing so before that point).
          Stop Quoting Ben


          • #6
            Jesus Boskovich,
            You and those damn squirrels.
            Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

            (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


            • #7
              'support breaking moves'???

              Woah...all units hold and support I can see...but making moves for them? That's totally unfair...
              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


              • #8
                Here is the Fall 1874 Map:

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                As usual, I'll point out some obsevations noted while making the maps. Please check me for accuracy on the map, center/unit counts, and comments.


                Chinese A Bokhara (unordered)
                Chinese F Sapporo (unordered) *
                CSA F Bismark Sea (dislodged by Chinese F Izu Trench 2v1, and may retreat to Celebes Sea or Luzon)
                CSA A FZZ - Tubruq (bounces 1v1 with Turkish A Cairo)
                English F Arabian Sea - Northeast Monsoon (bounces 1v1 with Mexican F Northeast Monsoon)
                English F Borneo (dislodged, destroyed)
                English F Karachi supports A Kashmir (is valid)
                English F Okinawa (unordered)
                Turkish F Kenya (dislodged by Mexican A Mozambique 2v1, destroyed)

                Supply Center/Unit Count

                Austria - 20 supply centers/21 units: disband 1
                China - 26 supply centers/25 units: build 1
                CSA - 45 supply centers/42 units: build 3 (pending retreats)
                England - 19 supply centers/19 units: no change
                Holland - 3 supply centers/3 units: no change
                Mexico - 37 supply centers/34 units: build 3
                Turkey - 21 supply centers/19 units: build 2

                *Boshko is allowing this unit to move to Kuril Trench because it was supported there
                Last edited by RUFFHAUS 8; November 6, 2002, 22:00.
                What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                • #9
                  Well, I'm sorry but I must protest about that - I accepted that the Dutch would support each other after the last time, but surely they can't MOVE anywhere...And anyway, who decides that the Dutch fleet in E.Indian should go to Cey and not support F-Mld for instance????? In this case, it seems to be the GM, who also has access to my orders beforehand

                  I'm sorry to harp on about this Boshko and I appreciate the work you put in to adjudicating this game, but that is just ridiculous, can nobody else see the HUGE FLAW in this system?? I refuse to play against the GM as well as all the other players, so perhaps you should start looking for a replacement Britain.
                  "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


                  • #10
                    Orange_1, I sympathize with your position. And I don't have an answer for it. I had a problem with MDR allowing the Dutch and French units in civil disorder to retreat. When Snowfire took over we saw similar, and yet increasingly sympathetic reasoning to the CD nations. I expressed my displeasure, but deferred to his authority as the GM. When SnowFire left and Boshko came in the CD powers became even more active. I think that if you look, you will see that I again disagreed, but deferred.

                    I guess what I am saying is that I know how frustrating it is to be dealing with this, because I (along with Mexico) have been navigating thes lingering units for several excruciatingly slow turns as they blockaded the way to my (our) target. And while it's not right now, it isn't all that inconsistent with what the rest of the board has been dealing with. Austria is making similar moves in it's state of CD.

                    All I can say, is that this is how Boshko GMs. He's also allowing unordered units to move because they had support/convoy orders referencing the forgotten unit. I have mentioned my disagreements several times with this as well.

                    In summary, these examples are a clear example of why I take a hardline appraoch to NMRs and abandonments. I don't like being a power hungry *******, it's just that 'all units hold' is the ONLY fair way to deal with NMRs. In trying to save the game with compassion with the abandonned nation, the game is further damaged by the confusion of how the CD nations will act in absence of a player.

                    JI have nothing to assuage your frustration, but to offer that you should just be glad that Boshko isn't inserting *enters sarcastic mode* ROUGH HOUSE 9* in as the Dutch player at the last minute.
                    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Ruff, glad someone agrees. I'm not saying I'm the only one to suffer from this, it's just I haven't paid all that much attention to the CD'd countries' activities when it hasn't involved me.

                      And yes, I was willing to accept that units could support each other even though I disagreed. And I could even possibly accept the idea that a unit would move if supported by someone else (altough this seems a sure-fire way of manipulating a NMR power for your own gains and what happens when more than one person tries to support the same unit to different places?). But anyway, I digress.

                      However, nobody supported the Dutch unit to Cey, so therefore the GM has decided the unit should go there as opposed to supporting another unit or moving somewhere else - so what is the rule on that? Units support each other unless someone has supported them to move somewhere or somebody has ordered an attack on one of their SCs??? How dodgy is that!!

                      I'll play in a game when I don't agree with all the rules as long as someone actually tells me what the rules are!!!!! I refuse to accept the GM can decide where units should move when he also has my orders - that's just downright unfair.
                      "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


                      • #12
                        EXCUSE ME!
                        But CSA and Mexico, where art thou does your "target" lay. Better not be behind the Chinese wall, you inbreds.
                        Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

                        (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


                        • #13
                          Build fleet HK, thanks
                          Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

                          (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


                          • #14
                            Keep building junk, and we'll keep sinkin' it!
                            What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                            • #15
                              orange1 - I'm with you on this one. A GM making moves for a nation in civil disorder is as if the nation was controlled. The idea is that nations in civil disorder have NO LEADERSHIP. While all untis hold is the ideal way to go with a NMR situation (and CERTAINLY a Civil Disorder situation) I see NO reason to have units actually making moves, while I can somewhat understand all units hold and support...

                              ...I think this is absolutely ridiculous, regardless of how it affects me, and would argue that the move to Cey should be updated as succeeding.
                              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

